
United Nations ECA COVID-19 Innovation Challenge – Apply

Africa Innovation and Investment Forum 2020 – COVID-19 Innovation Challenge: United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) on the platform of Ideas for a Prosperous Africa is putting forth the Africa Innovation and Investment Forum 2020 with a focus on COVID-19, from 15-19 June 2020.  Africa Innovation and Investment Forum 2020 – COVID-19 Innovation Challenge is open to all individuals, industries, organisations, researchers, innovators across all works of life.

United Nations ECA COVID-19 Innovation Challenge – Apply at uneca.org

The Innovation Challenge 2020

The Innovation Challenge 2020 of the Forum seeks to identify and showcase some of the top technologies and innovations from across Africa and beyond; explore investment and market needs and; identify business opportunities in the following areas:

  1. Affordable rapid testing;
  2. Enhance medical devices and personal protection gear design and fabrication

iii.            Alternative tools for efficient and effective contact tracing and isolation

  1. Development and production of potential drugs and vaccines in Africa

Recommended Opportunities:

PASET Regional Doctoral Scholarships and Grants for Africans 2020

ISID/ESCMID Fellowships for Low and Middle Income Countries 2020



The Innovation Challenge 2020 is open to all firms, individuals, research centres, innovation hubs, universities and institutes as well as government leaders and agencies and business leaders of all sizes and ages.

Why should you participate?

Besides the opportunities to meet business and government leaders, the top 20 innovations selected in each of the 5 categories will be profiled on the ECA and partners’ websites at the Tech Market and Exhibition for Entrepreneurs and Investors; and the top 10 in each category will be given the opportunity to convince and get the support of governments, investors and potential partners and collaborators.

How to Apply:

You can apply to take part in the COVID-19 Innovation Challenge at uneca.org by downloading and filling the submission template.

the Interested individuals should:

Send your submissions to: Mr. Gedion Workneh at: [email protected] and
Mr. Asfaw Yitna, at 
[email protected]

Click Here to download submission template

Application Submission Deadline: 17:00 hrs East African Time of 05 June 2020.

Visit the Visit the Official Page for Further Details

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