
International Students Scholarships


Latest scholarships for international students, local and international scholarships, undergraduate, masters and doctoral scholarships…

Beit Joint University Partnerships for Masters Studies 2021: Applications are...

For international students wishing to study in Italy, you can...

MEIG Masters Scholarships 2021/2022: The University of Geneva, Switzerland invites...

University of Oslo International Scholarships: This scholarships is awarded annually,...

Radboud University Scholarships 2021/2022: Have you any interest to study...

Hebrew University of Jerusalem Biomedical Science Research Scholarship: Applications are...

UCSI University International Scholarships 2021/2022: Applications are hereby invited globally...

Ball State University Distinction Scholarship 2021-22: The Ball State University...

Victoria University International Research Scholarships 2021: Applications are currently welcomed...

MIU African, Asian, and Middle East Undergraduate and Graduate Scholarships:...

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