
NJFP.NG Portal: Nigeria Jubilee Fellows Program 2021 [How to Apply]

It’s another opportunity for Nigerian youths to grab as the Nigeria Jubilee Fellows Program 2021 has just been launched. Applications are invited from young graduates across the 36 states for a chance to be part of about 20,000 fellows to be recruited under the program.

The Nigeria Jubilee Fellows Programme (NJFP) is a youth empowerment partnership initiative between the Federal Government of Nigeria and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). The program is still part of the effort to help young Nigerians overcome the problem of rising unemployment and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic which has further hindered their ability to finding work.

Nigeria Jubilee Fellows Program 2021 | What You Should Know

  • Target Youth: Targeting young talented Nigerians like you, who are looking to land their entry role in the corporate world.
  • Job Placement: Placing 20,000 highly skilled Nigerian youths in private and public sector organizations across various industries.
  • Organizations: NJFP will help organizations cut through the lead-time and resources spent recruiting entry level roles.
  • Growth: Empower and engage youth to be able to contribute to the expansion of the private sector.

Also Check: Teach for Nigeria Fellowship Program for Young Nigerian Graduates

Eligibility Criteria

To participate in the Nigeria Jubilee Fellows Program 2021, number of eligibility conditions are enlisted for interested Fellows and host organizations to note.

To eligible as a fellow, you must;

  • Be a Nigerian citizen.
  • Be a fresh graduate (Bachelor’s Degree) from any discipline and graduated not earlier than 2017.
  • Be at most 30 years old.
  • Not currently engaged in any employment.
  • Have completed the mandatory National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) OR have a certificate of exemption from the NYSC.
  • Demonstrate interest/commitment in chosen career field.
  • Demonstrate interest/commitment to contributing to Nigeria’s socio-economic development.
  • Have excellent time management and a professional attitude.
  • Have good verbal and written communication skills.

To be eligible as a host organization, you must;

  • Provide an up-to-date regulatory documentation including – CAC Certificate of Registration
  • Provide an official letter of interest detailing a clear understanding of the objectives of the NJFP and commitment to supporting the program by accepting fellow placements.
  • Provide clear descriptions of available role requirements.
  • Enter agreement to provide mentorship support to fellows through dedicated sessions with existing experienced professional within their organizations.
  • Enter agreement to abide by the guidelines of the program and to sign a code of conduct.
  • Have non-discrimination policies on gender, ethnicity, religion and disability status, as well as policies against sexual harassment, exploitation and abuse (PSHEA).
  • Have no criminal records or conviction or any affiliation with proscribed organizations ie, terrorists, drug traffickers, illicit trade, child labour.

Program Benefits

Please refer to the njfp.ng portal for an endless list of benefits stated for both the fellows and the host organizations.

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Application and Timeline

The application and participation in the Nigeria Jubilee Fellows Program 2021 will be in six (6) stages. The different stages outlined below also explains how to apply and participate in the program.

Stage 1: Expression of Interest

Call for expression of interest for organizations to participate in the program

Stage 2: Employer Need Assessment

Assessment of capacity and skill demand for host organization

Stage 3: Matching with Fellows

Matching, short-listing and recruitment of fellows to job opportunities at the host organizations

Stage 4: Fellows Onboarding

Tailor-made curriculum and support for high-quality onboarding of Fellows in the host organizations

Stage 5: Fellows deployment

Placement of Fellows in host organizations including on and off training, skills and developing, etc.

Stage 6: Fellows Offboarding

Support with job search, entrepreneurship possibilities or retainment of Fellows in host organization.

To participate, continue to official njfp.ng portal

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