Scholarships in Canada
Explore the list of most coveted scholarships in Canada awarded by the Canadian Government, universities and other top organizations. This listing is updated daily to include numerous fully funded scholarships, tuition waivers and grants to study in Canada. Choose suitable program to start application now.

The UBC Sauder School of Business Scholarships and Awards for International Students is open for

Four-year degree programs in Canada are undergraduate, medical, or doctoral degree programs. Generally, the duration

Applications are invited from suitably qualified applicants for the 2022/23 Deloitte Canada Black Student Scholarship

McMaster University Undergraduate Entrance Scholarships in Canada: Students from across the globe are invited to

Applications are hereby welcomed from suitably qualified and outstanding students for the Faculty of Science

McMaster University International Undergraduate Scholarships, 2022: International students are hereby invited to apply for the

Canadian Mennonite University – Canada is pleased to announce its Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards for

Applications are invited from suitably qualified students who wish to study at a Canadian University

Lakehead-Georgian Scholarships: Applications are invited from non-Canadian students who are entering Lakehead-Georgian from a high

Brock University International Students Scholarships 2023: Brock University, a foremost university in Canada is pleased