
Call for Applications: UNESCO World Heritage Volunteers Campaign

UNESCO World Heritage Volunteers Campaign 2021: Interested in participating in a world-changing program? Or have projects that can inspire the youths towards development? The UNESCO World Heritage Centre is pleased to announce the Call for Projects for the World Heritage Volunteers (WHV) Campaign 2021 ‘Fostering Youth Commitment towards World Heritage’.

This Call is an invitation for all interested organizations and institutions to apply for the WHV 2021 Campaign with their proposed projects, and join the selected organizations/institutions of the WHV 2020 Campaign which was postponed to 2021, in light of the global health emergency caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Program Sponsor (s): UNESCO World Heritage Centre (WHC) in collaboration with the Coordinating Committee for International Voluntary Service (CCIVS), European Heritage Volunteers

Program Type: Youth Opportunities

Who can Join the Campaign?

To empower the Commitment to World Heritage, the World Heritage Centre invites all youth organizations, NGOs, institutions, and public authorities that wish to involve young people in World Heritage preservation through the implementation of action camps at World Heritage sites in 2021. Please refer to the Call for Projects document for more information about the selection criteria and timeline.


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How to Apply

In order to get involved in or renew your commitment to the protection and preservation of World Heritage through voluntary action and non-formal education, fill in the online application form or visit the official information webpage of the program to get full details.

Application Deadline: To be updated

Visit the Official Webpage for Further Details

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  1. Good morning
    I’m mr-abubakar Alwrfli I looking for this job
    And I have experience with hyundai construction company
    And I have experience for English language

  2. I graduated in architecture and urban currently working in the municipality of Djibouti i saw first hand the aid needed wether human or material and would like to be à part of this mission

  3. Please send me the project document on my email below. I have a youth corporative and we are looking for such opportunities.

  4. It is a noble opportunity to do some things for humankind but conditions are not cover to become an active member. Sorry!

    • I’m interested in working with you . I’m a Liberia and a graduate .I hold a degree in administration with other few certificate in different studies.

  5. Please I’m interested, I wish to join volunteer community but I don’t know where I will start. Please help me to apply


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