
ABE Initiative Master’s Degree and Internship, SDGs Global Leader Scholarships

ABE Initiative Master’s Degree  and Internship & SDGs Global Leader Scholarships: The African Business Education (ABE) Initiative a flagship program of the Japan International Cooperation Agency is pleased to announce the 2020/21 ABE Initiative Master’s and Internship Program for Youth 8th Batch & SDGs Global Leader Masters and PhD Program 2021.

The ABE Initiative aims to develop human resources in both public and private sectors in which more than 1,400 participants from African countries have participated. The program has provided youths in Africa the opportunity to study at Japanese universities and to work at Japanese enterprises.

Program Sponsor(s): Japan International Cooperation Agency

Program to be taken at: Japan

Program Level: Masters and PhD

Program Slot:  Not specified

Country/Candidate Eligibility: Africans

Course Eligibility: Any discipline


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Eligibility Criteria

Applicants for the ABE Initiative Masters and Internship Must meet the following Requirements:

  • Be citizens of South Africa
  • Be less than 40 (as of 1 April 2021)
  • Have some work experience
  • Have good health condition, both physically and mentally, to complete the program
  • Bachelor’s degree (B-Tech included) with honours or equivalent to NQF8 or above
  • Minimum average of 65% score in academic transcript
  • Have good understanding of the ABE Initiative’s objectives
  • Have adequate English skills in both written and oral communication

Applicants for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Global Leader Masters and PhD Program must meet the following requirements:

  • Be less than 40 (before 1 April 2021)
  • Must hold a Bachelor’s degree (B-Tech included) with honours or equivalent to NQF8 and average of 65% in academic transcripts for Master’s Degree
  • Must hold Master degree (NQF9) and minimum average of 65% in academic transcripts for Doctor’s Degree
  • Have more than six months working experience in the current organization
  • Must obtain permission to apply and secure reinstatement from the current organization
  • Must have adequate English skills in both written and oral communication

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Application Procedures 

How-to-Apply: Applicants are to visit the official application website and download the application forms and program outline. The forms should be carefully completed.

Submit both soft and hard copies;

(1) Email marked PDF files of application documents (Less than 4MB in a mail), and
(2) Submit the original documents to the following address:

ABE Program

Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) South Africa Office
Lord Charles Office Block, Building B, 1st Floor 337
Brooklyn Street, Brooklyn, Pretoria 0081
P.O. Box 14068, Hatfield, 0028
Republic of South Africa

Application Deadline: Closed

Visit the Official Website for Further Details

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