
2020 International Student Grants at University of Toronto – Canada

Applications are currently being accepted from international students for the 2020 International Student Grants at the University of Toronto – Canada. University of Toronto grants are intended to assist students with unmet need with respect to their educational expenses. If you are international student and are eligible, then read through every detail and apply appropriately.

It is expected that prior to applying for this grant, students will have explored all sources of funding such as family support, savings summer and study period income, OSAP or other government assistance programs, daycare subsidies, and bank lines of credit as appropriate. University of Toronto grants are not intended to fund non-educational expenses or to repay your debts.

Scholarship Sponsor(s): University of Toronto.

Scholarships to be taken at: University of Toronto, Canada.

Scholarship Type: Need-Based Grants.

Scholarship level: Undergraduate

Slots: Several.

Subject Eligibility: All subject areas.

Country/Candidate Eligibility: International students.


Also, Check: International Scholar Award at University of Toronto – Canada, 2020/21

Eligibility and Selection Criteria:

To be eligible for the 2020 International Student Grants at University of Toronto, applicants must;

  • Be an international undergraduate students currently enrolled in a study programme at the University of Toronto
  • Be students with demonstrated financial need
  • Be eligible to apply for scholarships and financial aids at the university by applying to study an approved programme of the school
  • Be categorized under the international student category.


UH Hilo International Student Scholarships and Financial Aid 2020/21


Application Procedures for the 2020 International Student Grants at University of Toronto – How-to-Apply:

Application for the need-based study grants can be done online or offline, depending on your preferred application method. It is essential that you complete all four pages of this application. Insufficient information and/or documentation will affect the consideration of your application for a grant.

Please Note: If you are completing the on-line pdf version of this form, you can enter the information directly into the fields. Complete and print the form, or print neatly in ink if you are completing the form by hand. Read and sign the declaration, and submit it to your college or faculty.

Application Deadline: It is recommended that you submit your application by November 1.

Visit the Official Website for Further Details.

Also Recommended:


    • Hello Mary, please visit the official website and check for your eligibility for the award and also check for the eligible courses. Best regards.

  1. I am fully intersted.I have BSC with electrical engineering from ethiopia gradudated from adama unversity. I very young and i am very intersted to work any thing..thanks for your invit such a kind of chance.

  2. Dear,I would like to say thanks for creating such nice chance.
    any way let I apply on medical speciality if you have.
    I am going to complete my medical school here in my country,Ethiopia

    • I am fully intersted.I have BSC with electrical engineering from ethiopia gradudated from adama unversity. I very young and i am very intersted to work any thing..thanks for your invit such a kind of chance.

  3. I want to complete my MSc in Canada in a well known university. I have completed my BSc in Computer Science and Telecommunication Engineering from Noakhali Science and Technology University. My CGPA in not very rich. If I get partial Scholarship or funding I want to get the opportunity.


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