
Watson Institute/Ford Fund Fellowship 2022 for Social Entrepreneurs [Fully Funded]

Applications are invited from interested social entrepreneurs and community leaders building ventures that create impactful and scalable innovations for the Watson Institute/Ford Fund Fellowship 2022.

Through the Ford Fund Fellowship, Ford Motor Company and Watson Institute is able to scale the impact of Ford Fund and Watson Institute’s partnership to date by empowering 10 Fellows and over 300 young leaders and entrepreneurs globally.

Fellowship Sponsor(s): Ford Motor Company Fund and Watson Institute

Host Institution(s): Watson Institute

Number of Awards: Several

Study Level: Not specified

Duration: 12 months

Nationality: All nationalities

Recommended: Watson Institute-Western Union Foundation Accelerator and Fellowship

Watson Institute/Ford Fund Fellowship 2022 | DETAILS

The Fellowship begins with a virtual two-week intensive Accelerator that will focus on building community, skill development, basecamp training, etc. The year-long Fellowship will be delivered in a virtual format where the time commitment for the two-week Accelerator is approximately 20-25 hours per week, which includes class time and outside-of-class work. At the end of the Fellowship, all of the Fellows will participate in a high-profile Demo Day (called The Summit) to share their progress and impact throughout the program.

The fellowship will provide $25,000 in seed funding to be distributed among the Ford Fund Fellows based on progress and impact throughout the Fellowship.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Must be a social entrepreneur or community leader building ventures that create impactful and scalable innovations.
  • Be able to commit to the intensive 2-week intensive (20-25 hours per week)  followed by 14-weeks of weekly programming (5-8 hours per week).

See Also: The African Future Leaders Fellowship for African Students

Application Procedures

How-to-Apply: Interested applicants for the Watson Institute/Ford Fund Fellowship 2022 are to complete the online application form before the application deadline. Ensure to provide correct information as incorrect information may lead to disqualification.

Application Deadline: September 15th 2022

Visit the Official Website for Further Details

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