
United Nations Academic Impacts and MCN Millennium Fellowship, 2020

United Nations Academic Impacts and MCN Millennium Fellowship, 2020: The United Nations Academic Impact in partnership with Millennium Campus Network (MCN) offers students an opportunity at the 2020 cohort of the Millennium Fellowship. The Millennium Fellowship convenes, challenges and celebrates student leadership for UN goals on campus the world over.

The fellowship is a partnership between Millennium Campus Network and United Nations Academic Impact that draws on a combined 17 years of experience to help elevate leadership on campus and in the community. Students of institution of higher learning are encouraged to enrol for the fellowship which will commence from August, 2020.


Fellowship Sponsor(s): United Nations Academic Impact and Millennium Campus Network (MCN)

Fellowship to be taken at: Higher Academic Institutions Worldwide

Fellowship level: Undergraduate

Fellowship Worth: Not stated

Subject Eligibility: All fields of human academic pursuit

Country/Candidate Eligibility: The fellowship is for students all over the world.


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Fellowship Eligibility and Selection Criteria: To be considered for the United Nations Academic Impacts and MCN Millennium Fellowship, 2020, applicants are to meet the following criteria:

  • Applicants must be of undergraduate student who is at least 18 years of age who demonstrate knowledge of and a commitment to leadership. The student must be enrolled in a college or a university and in good standing at that academic institution for the duration of the fellowship.
  • Applicants must make a commitment to convene in-person least eight times during the Millennium Fellowship with his/her Campus Directors and other Fellows on campus to share best practices and take collective action. Students have to meet on-campus, in-person for the Fellowship sessions.
  • Applicants must be willing to abide by the guidelines governing the conducts of the Millennium Fellows at the various campuses where the fellowship will hold.


Other Opportunities:

  1. Postdoctoral Solar Research Fellowship in the Netherlands, 2020
  2. University Of Applied Sciences Foreign Student Scholarships 2020 (Tuition Award in Germany)


Application Procedure for the United Nations Academic Impacts and MCN Millennium Fellowship, 2020


Applicants are to visit the official application webpage of the fellowship fill and complete the online form provided.

Application Deadline: 30th April, 2020

Visit the Official Application Website for More Details

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