
Skidmore College Need-based Financial Aid Awards in USA 2021

Skidmore College need-based financial aid awardsSkidmore College is offering an assistance as need-basesd financial aid award to outstanding students who wish to enroll in a degree program at the University.

This award is applicable to undergraduate students who demonstrate financial need toward pursuing academic program at the University.

Scholarship Sponsor(s):  Skidmore College, USA

Scholarship Type:  Full-fee scholarship

Host Institution(s): Skidmore College, USA

Scholarship Worth:  Tuition fee

Number of Awards:  Several

Study Level:  Undergraduate

Nationality:  Domestic & International students


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Skidmore College need-based financial aid awards | DETAILS

Each year, Skidmore College provides a few international students with need-based financial aid awards. The awards are very competitive and amounts are determined by the demonstrated financial need of the family.

Please note:  international students who enroll as first-year students without applying for financial aid will not be eligible for financial aid in future years.

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for Skidmore College need-based financial aid awards candidates must meet the following criteria;

  • Applicants must be international student enrolled or enrolling to study at Skidmore College.
  • You received a SAT fee waiver OR
  • The parental income you reported on your application is approximately $45,000 or less for a family of four OR
  • If you are an orphan or ward of the court under the age of 24.


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Application Procedures

  • How-to-Apply:  To be considered for Skidmore College need-based financial aid awards in USA 2021, interested applicants are required to complete the 2021-22 CSS Profile application.
  • Each year CSS Profile gives access to more than $9 billion for thousands of undergraduate, graduate and professional students.
  • Application Deadline: November 1, 2021

Visit the Official Website for Further Details

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