
Ruhr University PhD positions for Early Stage Researchers 2021 (Full-time Jobs)

Ruhr University PhD positions for Early Stage Researchers 2021: Applications are hereby invited from suitably qualified candidates as the European universities – including Ruhr University Bochum, Germany (coordinator), awarding 15 PhD positions for Early Stage Researchers as part of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network “ADAPTED”.

The programme includes the training of core research skills acquired via the individual research project, modules on advanced research skills delivered by the consortium and transferable skills training offered by local graduate schools and during secondments with practice partners.

Company/Organisation:  Ruhr University Bochum, Germany

Job Location: Ruhr University Bochum, Germany

Qualification level:  PhD Program

Research Profile: First Stage Researcher (R1)

Slots:  15

Subject Eligibility:  Law, Economics, Social and Political Sciences

Country/Candidate Eligibility: All nationalities


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Ruhr University PhD positions for Early Stage Researchers | DETAILS

The European Joint Doctorate ADAPTED is a consortium of European Universities, important internationally active European development organisations and think tanks and six African partner universities. The programme includes the training of core research skills acquired via the individual research project, modules on advanced research skills delivered by the consortium and transferable skills training offered by local graduate schools and during secondments with practice partners.

Eligibility Requirements

Recruiting is in accordance with the European rules of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie ITN regulations for Early Stage Researchers (ESRs). Applicants can be of any nationality but must not have resided or carried out any main activity (work, studies, etc.) in the country of the recruiting university for more than 12 months in the last 3 years prior to being recruited as ESR. In addition,

  • applicants must have less than 4 years of postgraduate research experience at the time of recruitment..
  • Applicants shall demonstrate a proven interest in interdisciplinary and inter-sectoral research as well as a specific interest in the ADAPTED research areas as evidenced by the application documents.
  • A previous degree from a recognized university which qualifies for doctoral studies.
  • Graded at least upper 2nd or equivalent.
  • A masters degree in a subject relevant for the planed doctoral studies (Economics, Social or Political Science, Law, and related relevant disciplines), proved by submission of degree certificates and transcripts.
  • English language proficiency proof for non-native speakers equivalent to CEFR level C1 (IELTS 7) or above.

Program Benefits

Successful candidates will be offered a full-time position for a duration of 36 months, with the following packages;

  • Living allowance: basic, gross amount before taxation and compulsory deductions for contributions to social insurance schemes according to national law. The basic amount of the living allowance is EUR 3 270 per month. To ensure equal treatment and purchasing power parity, this amount is then adjusted through the application of a correction coefficient based on the country in which the ESR will be recruited.
  • Mobility allowance of EUR 600 per month
  • Family allowance of EUR 500 per month for ESRs who have a family (persons linked to the researcher by marriage or a relationship with equivalent status to a marriage recognised by the legislation of the country where this relationship was formalised or dependent children who are actually being maintained by the researcher) at the time of recruitment.


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Application Procedures

How-to-Apply:  Interested and eligible candidates who meet the application requirements above can proceed to complete application process. It is important that candidates refer to full application guide at the official webpage before starting application.

Application Deadline:  March 31, 2021

Visit the Official Website for Further Details

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