
Indonesian Government KNB Scholarship 2021 for Developing Countries (Fully-funded)


Indonesian Government KNB Scholarship 2021: Applications are currently invited for Beasiswa Kemitraan Negara Berkembang, popularly known as KNB Scholarship – a prestigious scholarship program offered by the government of Republic of Indonesia to selected applicants originating from developing countries.

The role of KNB Scholarship has been central in supporting Indonesian higher education institutions in their endeavor for internationalization. The number of international students is indicative of global visibility of higher education institutions.

Scholarship Sponsor(s):  KNB Indonesian Government, Indonesia

Scholarships to be taken at:  Indonesian higher education institutions

Scholarships level:  Undergraduate & Postgraduate

Scholarships Worth:  Full funding (see scholarship benefits below)


Subject Eligibility: Humanities, Engineering, Science, Education, and Social Science

Country/Candidate Eligibility: International Students


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Indonesian Government KNB Scholarship 2021 | BACKGROUND

In support of Indonesian universities’ internationalization and to accommodate the increasing interests from applicants all around the world, the number of scholarships being awarded every year has continued to grow. The scholarship has been sustaining the quality improvement of Indonesian higher education institutions in order to meet the standards of internationally reputable universities.

Eligibility Criteria

To be considered for the Indonesian Government  KNB Scholarship 2021 for Developing Countries, candidates must meet the following eligibility requirements.

  • Applicants must be international students.
  • Candidates must be healthy both physically and mentally, excellent in academic standing and with good conduct.
  • Applicants may not hold any other scholarship at the same time.
  • Applicants must hold excellent academic records.
  • Applicants must not be over 25 and 35 years old for undergraduate and postgraduate respectively.
  • Applicants must hold a bachelor’s degree (master’s degree holder is not eligible to apply).
  • Applicants must have a TOEFL or IELTS (or other certified English Proficiency Test) score of 80 or 6.0 or equivalent.
  • Candidates must complete the online application form.
  • Prior to the departure to Indonesia, the successful candidates must sign a Statement Letter and Scholarship Agreement prepared by the KNB Scholarship management.

Scholarship Benefits

The Indonesian Government KNB Scholarship 2021 will cover;

  • Settlement Allowance: IDR 1,250,000 given upon arrival.
  • Living Allowance: IDR 2,550,000 per month to new students while they take the Indonesian language course and preparatory programs
  • For Master’s Program:
    – Living Allowance: IDR 2,550,000
    – Research Allowance: IDR 400,000
    – Books Allowance: IDR 350,000
  • Health insurance: Maximum of IDR 200,000 monthly premium.
  • A Round-trip international airfare (economy class): From the international airport of the student’s home countries to Indonesia, including local transport to the host university.


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Application Procedures

How-to-Apply: Follow the steps below to apply;

  • Download the Invitation Letter from the KNB Scholarship website.
  • Submit the Invitation letter, Passport, Academic Certificates and Academic Transcripts to the Indonesian Embassy or Indonesian Consulate to acquire the recommendation letter.
  • Complete the online application process.
  • Selection process.
  • The Selection Results will be broadcasted online through the KNB Scholarship Website and officially announced through the Indonesian Embassy publication network.

Application Deadline:  April 20, 2021

Visit the Official Website for Further Details

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15 thoughts on “Indonesian Government KNB Scholarship 2021 for Developing Countries (Fully-funded)”

  1. May I know, when we are applying to KNB Scholarship, after completion, do you guarantee that we will be given a secure job in indoensia after graduate?

  2. Obong Daniel

    I have just completed my A’LEVEL and I hope to apply for a bachelor degree but the application form only asks for the diploma certificate

  3. I’m applying KNB scholarship but I get problem in the first stage (Personal Information). I fill all details in Personal Information but when i click next there is a message appear .And that message is ”there is something wrong,internal server error”. So, i can not continue to another steps. So, i do not know this problem occur is in your server or system.

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