
APPLY: European Union (EU) Traineeship Programme [2023-2024]


European Union (EU) Traineeship Programme 2023-2024: European Union is offering Traineeships which are essentially established for the benefit of students and young graduates. It is an educational project that does not foresee any contractual or employment relationship with the Delegation.

The European Union (EU) has a long tradition of offering traineeship opportunities in EU Delegations around the world. To offer trainees the possibility of applying the knowledge acquired during their studies or their early professional life;


Company/Organisation:  European Union (EU)

Program Location: Various

Program Type:  Paid Internship

Program targets:  Young Graduates

Available Slots: 1,900 interns per year

Nationality: Nationals of EU Member States


Also See: UN Volunteers Programme | Follow these Steps to Apply

European Union Traineeship Programme | Details

Each year, around 1,900 young people are offered the chance to increase their professional skills, develop their personal qualities, and enhance their EU knowledge through the EU trainee programmes. Most of the EU institutions organize traineeships for young university graduates, each lasting usually between 3 and 5 months. Traineeships are available in a wide range of fields and offer a great insight into the work of the EU. The content of the job largely depends on the service you are assigned to.

Eligibility Criteria

The Traineeship Programme is mainly targeted to young university graduates, who are;

  • Nationals of a Member State of the European Union who are 18 years of age or older.
  • Applicants must have a level of education which corresponds to completed university studies attested by a diploma (awarded in EU Member States or that are subject to the equivalence certificates issued by Member States’ Authorities), when the normal period of university education is three years or more.
  • Applicants must not have already benefited or benefit from any kind of traineeship within a European Union institution or body or Have had or have any kind of employment within a European Union institution or body.

Program Benefits

The benefits of the European Union Traineeship for Young Graduate will include:

  • Paid traineeship (Around 1,300 € per month)
  • Provides placement opportunities for graduates
  • Career development
  • Access to global opportunities
  • Capacity building

Also Check:  UNICEF Internship Programme for Young Graduates

Application Procedures

How-to-Apply: Interested and eligible applicants for the European Union Traineeship programme should submit their application at the official website of the European Union.

Application Deadline: Varies

Visit the Official website for further details


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