

Looking for current internship opportunities? Here are a list of internships you can apply to. Some are paid internships while some are voluntary opportunities.

Graduate Internships:

These are opportunities for graduate students and recent graduates looking to developing their skills.

Student Internships:

Such opportunities listed here are for undergraduate students seeking opportunities to bridge class room knowledge with that of the industries.

Whichever category you belong, select below from the list of currently updated internship opportunities that suit you.

ELI Abroad Medical Internships and Volunteer Work 2021

ELI Abroad Medical Intern and Volunteer Programme: ELI Abroad is currently inviting applications from graduate-level

Unilever Internship Program 2023

Are you a young and talented student interested in gaining invaluable work experience at one

Sasol Learnerships Career Opportunities for Young Graduates 2023

Sasol Learnership Career Opportunities for Young Graduates is currently accepting applications from talented and motivated

World Bank Information and Technology Internships

Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates who are enrolled in STEM or technology focused

Shell Graduate Programme 2023 for Nigerian Graduates

It is good news for young Nigerian graduates as Shell has now open application portal

Polaris Graduate Intensive Trainee Programme 2023

Polaris Bank Limited is currently accepting applications for recruiting campaign for the 2023 Polaris Graduate

ESCWA Internship Program 2023

The United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia ESCWA Internship Programme is now

Unilever Digital Internship

Applications are invited from suitably qualified young applicants who wants to have hands-on digital experience

CERN Short Term Internship

Are you an undergraduate or a master’s student in a science, technical or administrative field,

Vodacom Early Careers Programmes

Applications are currently invited for the Vodacom Early Careers for Young Graduate 2024. The Internship

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