
Visa Sponsorship Jobs in Australia | Top Companies Offering Work Visas

Are you a foreign skilled professional with the right experience and skills which are sought after by multinational companies? Are looking for good paying jobs in Australia that comes with Visa Sponsorship? Then look no further as this article will provide you with numerous Visa Sponsorship Jobs in Australia for foreign professionals.

Looking for employment in a foreign country can be very challenging owing to many factors such as cost of immigration, ability to source for jobs that match your skills, and not being familiar with the country’s immigration and labour market laws.

Australia has been faced with the problem of labour shortage to fill in job vacancies that are critical to the economic development of the country. This has prompted the country to look for means to cushion the effect occasioned by this challenge. One of such option is the Temporary Skill Shortage Visa opportunity which allows immigrants to legally work in the country irrespective of their nationality.

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Types of Work Visa in Australia

There are several categories of work visas which can be sponsored by companies domiciled in Australia. These include the Temporary Skill Shortage Visa, The Employer Nomination Scheme, and the Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme to mention but a few.

#1 Temporary Skill Shortage Visa (Subclass 482)

This temporary visa allows employers in Australia to sponsor a suitable skilled worker to take up a job position they cannot find a qualified skilled Australian to fill. To be eligible for this visa you must be nominated for a skilled position by an approved sponsor, you must have the right skills to do the job and you must meet the relevant English language requirements. Applicants can stay for up to 5 years.

#2 Employer Nomination Scheme Visa (Subclass 186)

This type of visa allows skilled workers who are nominated by an approved employer to live and work in Australia permanently. To be eligible, you must have the necessary skills for the job, you must be nominated by an Australian employer, and you must meet the country’s health and character requirements.

#3 Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme

This visa enables regional employers to address identified labour shortages within their region by sponsoring skilled workers where employers can’t source an appropriately skilled Australian worker.

To be eligible, applicants must be nominated by an approved work sponsor, have an occupation on a relevant skilled occupation list, have a suitable skills assessment for the occupation, be under 45 years of age, meet minimum standards of English language proficiency.

Eligibility for Visa Sponsorship Jobs in Australia

  • You must be a national of another country with the right skills for a job in Australia.
  • You must be nominated by an approved work sponsor in Australia. This sponsor must be willing to support your visa application.
  • The job for which you are nominated for must be on a list that the Australian government has.
  • You must meet the minimum standards of English language proficiency.

Visa Sponsorship Jobs in Australia

There are various skilled and unskilled jobs available for foreign professionals to take up in Australia. These may include the following:

  • Maintenance fitter (Engineering Applications)
  • Doctors
  • Pharmacists
  • Registered Nurse positions
  • Laboratory scientists and technicians
  • Teachers (English, Maths, Phonics, Chinese)
  • Accountants
  • Administrative Officers
  • Farm workers
  • Mechanics
  • Hair stylist and beauty skin therapists
  • Plumbers
  • Electricians

How to Get Job Offers in Australia

Applying for jobs in a foreign country can both be a very tasking undertaking and also a wonderful adventure depending on the information available at one’s disposal. The few tips below can be very helpful when trying to land a job as a foreigner.

  1. Check if you are eligible to work in Australia. It is very important to check your eligibility for the job as can be found on the Department of Home Affairs website. This will help save you a lot of energy and time.
  2. Research the job market. Look for companies that are hiring people with your kind of qualification and experience and know their requirements in terms of qualifications and skills set.
  3. Work on your CV. Your CV is what you put up for recruiter to see and it tells a lot about your personality. Therefore, it is important that you take your time to prepare it and be sure that it clearly show your skills and capabilities.
  4. Apply for Jobs. Use reputable job boards to send in your application to potential employers. Ensure that you read all the rules and be ready to give them everything they ask for.

List of Top Companies in Australia Sponsoring Work Visas

  • Cochlear Limited
  • National Australia Bank
  • BHP Billiton
  • Rio Tinto
  • Qantas
  • Telstra
  • CSL Limited
  • Westpac
  • ANZ Banking Group

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