
UNTBLDC-TWAS-ICGEB South-South Programme for Exchanges and Collaborations 2021


UNTBLDC-TWAS-ICGEB South-South Programme:  The United Nations Technology Bank for Least Developed Countries (UNTBLDC), The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) and the International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB) is pleased to announce the South-South Programme for Exchanges and Collaborations 2021/2022.

The programme is aimed at providing opportunities for scientists from least developed countries to pay a visit to either ICGEB Cape Town, South Africa or the ICGEB New Delhi, India for the duration of 6 months.


The Exchange and Collaboration Programme is to provide scientists the opportunity to become acquainted with the scientific process, including how to develop a research project and take it to a successful conclusion and how to teach, train and transfer knowledge to younger students and researchers.

UNTBLDC through TWAS will cover travel expenses and provide subsistence costs for the stay at the host institution, while the International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology as host institution will provide the laboratory facilities and the research support.

Apply for: TWAS-SISSA-Lincei Research Cooperation Programme 2021/2022 for Young Scientists

Eligibility Criteria

Interested applicants for the Exchange and Collaboration Programme are to meet the following requirements:

  • Applicants must be a maximum age of 45 years on 31st December of the application year.
  • Must possess an MSc, preferably a PhD.
  • Must be living and working in a Least Developed Country.
  • Women scientists are especially encouraged to apply.
  • Proposals have to be on projects relevant to the International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotecnology.

Application Procedures

How-to-Apply: Interested applicants for the UNTBLDC-TWAS-ICGEB South-South Programme 2021 are to complete the online application form and upload the following documentation:

  • Scanned copy of your passport, even if expired (page with your name and surname).
  • Curriculum vitae, maximum two pages including a list of your 6 best publications.
  • A recent invitation letter from the ICGEB host professor – on the institution’s letterhead paper – which should contain the proposed time of the visit (up to 6 months) and should refer to the proposed cooperation.
  • Two reference letters from senior scientists familiar with your work.
  • Copy of your MSc certificate.
  • Evidence of proficiency in English.
  • Supporting statement from the Head/Director of the applicant’s home institute.

Application Deadline: 31st August 2021

Visit the Official Website for Further Details

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