
UNODC-DAPC Grant Program 2022 (USD 17,000 Funding Available)

Are you a not-for-profit organization working in the area of substance use prevention? Is your project aimed at implementing evidence-based substance use prevention programs for and with the youths? Then apply for the UNODC-DAPC Grant Program.

This call for proposals takes into consideration the importance of harnessing all available resources towards the implementation of activities aimed at meeting the objectives of the Grants program. The grant seeks to support organizations from low- and middle-income countries to do more in this regard.

UNODC-DAPC Grant Program 2022 | DETAILS

The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) through the Drug Abuse Prevention Center (DAPC) is supporting eligible organizations using evidence-based approaches to prevent drug use. The objective of this Grants program is to strengthen the capacity of civil society to prevent drug use globally using evidence-based substance use prevention interventions with a focus on youth. This Call for Proposals seeks to provide funding support to not-for-profit organizations working in the area of substance use prevention whose projects are aimed at implementing evidence-based substance use prevention.

See Also: UN Scholarships, Grants and Fellowships 2022-2023 [Fully-Funded]

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for the UNODC-DAPC Grant Program 2022, applicants must meet the requirements listed (below):

  • Be non-for-profit organizations registered for not less than two (2) years under the relevant Laws of the country where it is registered.
  • Possess relevant prior experience in substance use prevention, health promotion, youth empowerment, or other related fields.
  • Applicants should have the needed capability to financially manage and administer the grant.

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Application Procedures

How-to-Apply: This Call for Proposals takes a phased approach. Interested applicants are to first submit a concept note which will be evaluated based on a specific set of criteria.

UNODC will review the concept notes and select applicants who will be invited to submit full project proposals. Selected applicants will be contacted separately with additional instructions, including necessary application forms. Shortlisted applicants will be required to register at the UN Partner Portal.

Submit the Concept Note Application Form (Annex 1), and the signed copy of the Self-assessment of Eligibility (Annex 2) by email to [email protected], marked ‘DAPC Grant 2022’ in the subject line.

Application Deadline: 31st January 2022 at 23:59 (Central European Time)

Visit the Official Website for Further Details

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