University of Kent – UK

Are you a Nigerian passport holder, or live in Nigeria, and are starting a full

Are you an African looking for fully funded Postgraduate scholarships in the United Kingdom for

The University of Kent is inviting applications from interested and qualified applicants for its Engineering

Applications are invited from suitably qualified Overseas and UK applicants for the First 500 Scholarship

The University of Kent – UK is welcoming applications from brilliant and eligible international students

Scholarship for MSc Development Economics: The School of Economics, University of Kent is pleased to

University of Kent Brussels School of International Studies Scholarship (PGT): The University of Kent through

Jarman Postgraduate Scholarships at University Of Kent: Applications are hereby invited from interested and eligible

University of Kent NIHR School for Social Care Research Scholarship: Applications are invited for full-time

Kent Engineering and Digital Arts Scholarship for International Students: The University of Kent, United Kingdom