International Students

University of Exeter Postgraduate Taught Scholarships: Applications are currently invited from interested and outstanding students

The Griffith University is currently welcoming applications from high performing international students to enrol for

University of Missouri International Students Scholarships 2023-2024: Applications are now welcomed from intelligent and suitably

The University of Tokyo through the Graduate School of Frontier Sciences (GSFS) is inviting applications

Applications are currently invited from suitably qualified students for Asian and African Students Scholarship at

LOYOLA University Chicago is delighted to offer Rule of Law for Development Scholarship Application to

Applications are currently invited from interested students with outstanding academic performance for Lingnan University Non-local

United Arab Emirate University UAEU is pleased to offer its Chancellor’s Fellowship for Graduate Students

Applications are hereby invited from interested and suitably qualified candidates for Chinese Government Scholarship Program

The Government of Canada Express Entry Visa application portal is open and currently accepting applications