
One League Innovation and Entrepreneurship Program 2022/23

Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates from across the world for the One League Innovation & Entrepreneurship Program offered in collaboration with Stanford Online to assist innovators and entrepreneurs acquire skills.

The entrepreneurship program provides the essential skills of innovation and entrepreneurship, features training on the highly acclaimed Design Thinking approach from Stanford and covers key topics including building effective business models, scaling products and businesses, raising capital, and more.

One League Innovation and Entrepreneurship Program | DETAILS

Program participants are paired with global mentors from the industry, in the fields of innovation, entrepreneurship, venture capital, and more, who can provide guidance and support, and get the opportunity to meet inspiring speakers and guests, including renowned startup founders, technology industry leaders, venture capitalists, and more. The program culminates in an opportunity to present and pitch your startup idea to receive funding from global venture firms.

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Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for the innovation and entrepreneurship program, applicants must meet the following requirements:

  • Current and aspiring entrepreneurs.
  • Working on high-impact ideas, with the potential to drive meaningful, positive change in the world.
  • Solving real-world global problems with innovative solutions, using a deep technical area of expertise or a core competitive advantage.
  • Applicants may come from any region of the world.

Program Benefits

  • Learn the essential innovation and entrepreneurship skills, tips, and tricks from the best in Silicon Valley and the world
  • Collaborate with and learn from a highly select cohort of fellow entrepreneurs and innovators from around the world
  • Receive mentorship from an extensive coalition of industry leaders, incredible founders, and more
  • Meet inspiring speakers and guests, including renowned startup founders, technology industry leaders, venture capitalists, and more and build your global network
  • Receive guidance, support, and access to opportunities to seek venture funding to propel world-changing ideas.

Application Procedures

How-to-Apply: Interested applicants for the One League Innovation and Entrepreneurship Program 2022/23 are to complete an online application by the application deadline.

Application Deadline: October 15, 2022, Midnight PST

Visit the Official Website for Further Details

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