
Ghana Scholarship Secretariat Local and Foreign Scholarships, 2022/2023

Learn how to apply for scholarship – Office of the President, Ghana Scholarship Secretariat local tertiary and foreign tertiary scholarships application is on-going. The Local Tertiary awards are in form of payment for Thesis and Bursary grants to Postgraduate Students in the Public Tertiary Institutions in Ghana while foreign tertiary awards cover scholarships at the tertiary level of education in a foreign country.

The award also covers payment of Disability Grants to the Physically Challenged Ghanaian Students in Tertiary Institutions and Long Stay Allowance for Medical Science students in Public Tertiary Institutions in the country.

Scholarship Sponsor(s): Office of the President, Ghana Scholarship Secretariat

Scholarship to be taken at: Local and Foreign tertiary institutions

Scholarship Type: Partial to fully funded scholarships

Scholarship Worth: Varies

Number of Awards: Several

Study Level: Postgraduate

Nationality: Ghanaians


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Eligibility Criteria | Ghana Scholarship Secretariat Scholarships

LOCAL TERTIARY SCHOLARSHIPS: Applicants are to take note of the following;

  • i. Should have gained admission into a local tertiary institution
  • ii. Should have registered and enrolled to undertake the course
  • iii. The Institution should be accredited by the National Accreditation Board (NAB)
  • iv. Categories of Local Tertiary Institutions (Private and Public)
  • v. Nurses/Teacher Training Colleges
    • Colleges of Agriculture
    • Polytechnics
    • Technical Universities
    • Universities
    • Certificate awarding tertiary institutions

FOREIGN TERTIARY SCHOLARSHIPS: Eligibility criteria for foreign scholarship are determined by the awarding body.

These scholarships are based on a Bilateral Cooperation Agreement between the Government of Ghana and the Government of the awarding country.

Currently, the countries that fall under this category include:

  • Russia
  • Hungary
  • Algeria
  • China
  • Morocco
  • German Government Doctoral Programme (DAAD)

In addition to the above, the Commonwealth Secretariat also award scholarships to Ghanaian at the postgraduate level based on a multilateral arrangement between Ghana and Commonwealth member countries.

  1. Information for existing beneficiaries: Existing foreign scholarship beneficiaries will be given on a portal to enable them renew their awards annually online.
  2. Bilateral Applications: Prospective applicants for bilateral scholarship awards will be required to complete the online application upon confirmation of their awards by the awarding country.


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Application Procedures

How-to-Apply: Application forms for local scholarships are downloaded from the Secretariat’s website (www.ghanascholarshipsecretariat.com). All scholarship offers under Bilateral Cooperation Agreements are received through Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration. The role of the Secretariat in the administration of these scholarships entails:

  • Publicity on Secretariat’s website and notice board, as well as one newspaper with nationwide circulation
  • Receipt and processing of applications based on eligibility criteria
  • Interviews and selection of applicants by a committee.
  • Submission of selected applicants to awarding country for further consideration.
  • Communication of awards to successful applicants.

The 4 Easy Steps Apply: follow the four easy steps below to apply;

  1. Visit the official scholarship page at www.scholarshipgh.com (link given below)
  2. Create an account to register by clicking ‘Sign Up’ button
  3. Complete the application form and upload academic transcripts, admission letters and academic certificate.
  4. Complete an online aptitude test and be scheduled for a selection interview in your selected district.

Application Deadline: On-going

Visit the Official Website for Further Details

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  1. Please, why is the Local Tertiary portal closed and also we heard that portals shall be opened on 16th June. So why is it still closed?

    • Mubarik, I don’t understand when you say the portal is closed? From my end here I can see the portal is still open and registration on-going

  2. I guess I am pretty late to comment . Well it seems this year’s portal hasn’t been opened . On my Secretariat page that’s what they say” you will receive notification as soon as a new scholarship window is opened” . I am hoping to apply for the foreign tetiary scholarship. Anyone got an idea when the portal will be opened?

  3. After this application closes, when is the next time you can apply for scholarship? For instance if you plan on gaining admission in September 2021,when should you apply for the scholarship?

  4. Please, I want to know if the applicant is supposed to have already gained admission to a tertiary institute or university before he/she can apply?
    Or you can apply even if you haven’t gained any admission yet?

  5. Hello,I’m Esther
    I just want to know if the 2021 portal is opened.
    Because when I use the link it tells me to sign in to 2020’s page.


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