
APPLY: Eisenhower International Fellowships Program 2023

Are you a mid-career leader from around the world passionate about making an impact in your chosen career? Do you seek to tackle bigger challenges to better your society and the world at large? Then apply for the Eisenhower International Fellowships Program 2023.

Eisenhower Fellowship over the years has prepared more than 2,400 men and women to assume positions of ultimate influence in their chosen fields of endeavors. Interested applicants are encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity.

Fellowship Sponsor(s): Eisenhower Fellowships

Fellowship: Graduate Fellowship

Fellowship Location:  USA

Fellowship Duration: 6 Months

Number of Awards: Several

Basic Qualifications: Not specified

Nationality: All Nationalities

Suggested: CYD Fellowships in Switzerland 2022 (Masters, PhD and Post-doctoral) | Fully Funded

Eisenhower International Fellowships Program | DETAILS

Eisenhower Fellowships identifies, empowers and connects innovative leaders through a transformative fellowship experience and lifelong engagement in a global network of dynamic change agents committed to creating a world more peaceful, prosperous and just. It provides the participants with the opportunity to interact with people of like-minds giving them a wonderful learning experience in the United States of America.


To be eligible for the Eisenhower International Fellowship 2023, applicants must meet the following requirements:

  • Must be between the ages of 32 and 45 years at the time of the fellowship.
  • Candidates must be proficient in the use of English.
  • Must demonstrate excellent academic and leadership abilities.
  • Candidates must show the maturity to take advantage of the unique opportunity and represent Eisenhower Fellowships, as well as draw upon this experience to catapult them forward as impactful leaders for years to come.

See Also:  Carnegie African Diaspora Fellowship Program 2022/2023 [FULLY FUNDED]

Application Procedures

How-to-Apply: Interested and eligible applicants for the Eisenhower International Fellowships Program 2023 are to apply online by the application deadline.

Application Deadline: 1st October 2022

Visit the Official Website for Further Details

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  1. I have a strong desire and the ability to lead, had lead in times past, and wishing to be a great leader in the world.

    I have served in so many positions including schools and communities and now running a mini organization, serving as an executive director, Impact Generation Liberia, Inc.

    Based on the above information which is in line with the goal of Eisenhower International Fellowship, I wish to apply for consideration.


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