
Beyond Borders Scholarships for International Students 2023


Beyond Borders invite applications from Ph.D. students worldwide studying borders and bordering phenomena in different regions of the world for Beyond Borders Scholarships.

BEYOND BORDERS supports research about borders and boundaries in past and present times. It promotes interdisciplinary exchange in the social sciences and humanities.

Scholarship Sponsor(s): ZEIT-Stiftung Ebelin, Hamburg Germany

Host Institution(s): Recognised universities in Germany

Scholarship Worth: Funded

Number of Awards: Several

Study Level: PhD

Nationality: International Students

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Beyond Borders Scholarships | DETAILS

The Call for Applications 2023 is open until 1 March 2023 and focuses on “Borders, Contestation and Conflict”.

Both empirical researches based on extensive fieldwork and projects centred on theoretical reflection are eligible for support. Innovative and challenging research questions as well as comparative approaches are highly welcome.

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for Beyond Borders Scholarships for International Students, applicants are expected to meet the following conditions:

  • Applicants must be international students
  • Applicants must be PhD students
  • These scholarships are open to graduates of any university within or outside of ZEIT-Stiftung Ebelin und Gerd Bucerius.
  • Applicants who intend to enrol full time for a Doctorate (PhD)
  • Applicants who have commenced their do ctoral study at ZEIT-Stiftung Ebelin und Gerd Bucerius, Hamburg Germany.

Also Apply: Victoria University of Wellington Therle Drake Postgraduate Scholarship 2023

Application Procedures

How-to-Apply: You may interrupt and save your online application at any time. To do so, enter the button “Save Application Temporarily” at the bottom of the online application form. Any changes will be automatically incorporated as soon as you press the “Continue Application” button. You may continue with your application at any time. The user name and password can be found and changed under “Login data”. To continue your application later on, please log in with your user name and password and click on the “Continue Application” button.

Please be meticulous when you fill in the application form. You should be especially careful not to exceed the 1,000 characters (including spaces) allocated for the abstract of your dissertation. The information you provide about other applications will have no influence on the decision of the jury.

Please prepare

  • a research proposal (max. 7 pages for Ph.D. Scholarship and Dissertation Completion Scholarship applications and max. 5 pages for candidates for Start Up Scholarships, references excluded)
  • a research plan with time schedule (max. 2 pages)
  • a CV and
  • a copy of your university degree

You can upload all documents at the end of the online application. Documents in PDF format are required.

Two letters of reference by university professors should be submitted in the electronic form. Please activate the button below the supervisor´s data while filling in the online application form. Your reference will receive automatically an email request with the reference link. For references documents in PDF format are required. The file size is limited to 5MB. Submissions should be limited to a single document file. 

Application Deadline: Not Stated

Visit the Official Website for Further Details

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