
Africa Science Leadership Programme for Young African Scientists

Are you a young scientist from Africa with the passion to develop your leadership potentials and science capacity? Then apply for the 2023/24 Africa Science Leadership Programme organized by the University of Pretoria in partnership with the Global Young Academy.

The leadership programme aims to grow mid-career academics in Africa in the areas of thought leadership, team development, engagement and collaboration. It serves early-to mid-career researchers in basic and applied science, engineering, social sciences, arts and the humanities.

Company/Organisation(s): University of Pretoria and Global Young Academy

Program Type: Leadership Training Programme

Program Location: South Africa

Available Slot: Several

Basic Qualifications: First degree

Nationality: Africans

See Also: Top 15 Graduate Development Programs for Africans (2023)

Africa Science Leadership Programme 2023 | DETAILS

The programme will use a highly interactive approach to training, application of skills to a leadership project, peer support, and mentorship. Fellows will attend an initial 5 day, intensive on-site programme in Pretoria, South Africa from 01-05 December 2023 (departing on the 06th). The process will involve an approach that cycles between theory, application and reflection. Participants will be challenged to work collaboratively to design initiatives that advance a new paradigm for African science.

Eligibility Criteria

To be considered for the Africa Science Leadership Programme, applicants must meet the following requirements:

  • A PhD or equivalent qualification
  • A faculty or a continuing research position at a research institution;
  • Active in research and teaching at an African institution of higher education or research;
  • A sustained record of outstanding scientific outputs;
  • Interest in translating and communicating the results of their work for impact in society;
  • Demonstrated leadership ability in research and beyond;
  • Interest in the role of research in addressing complex issues affecting society;
  • Interest in collaborations across disciplines and sectors (e.g. industry, government, etc.);
  • Commitment to participate in all the activities of the fellowship; and
  • Intent to share what is learned in the programme with their broader networks.

Application Procedures

How-to-Apply: Interested applicants for the Africa Science Leadership Programme 2023 are to complete their applications online and provide all the required information and documents on or before the application deadline.

Document Requirements:

  • Two support letters from academic referees
  • All educational certificates.

Application Deadline: 15th July, 2023

Visit the Official Website for Further Details

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