
100 ECU International Hospitality Grants in Australia 2021/2022


ECU International Hospitality Grants in Australia: Applications are hereby invited from international students who are interested to participate in a hospitality project to be hosted by a selected number of institutions in Australia – Edith Cowan University (ECU) being among. The successful 100 students will receive an applied learning experience with industry partner, ACCOR Hotels from September to December 2021.

Dr Edmund Goh has secured a $50,000 International Education Innovation Grant from StudyPerth to help increase international hospitality students’ employment opportunities in hospitality. The purpose of the grant is to fast-track their job readiness and enter the hospitality industry immediately to address the urgent hospitality workforce shortage.

International Hospitality Grants in Australia | The Project

This project will involve 3 key hospitality industry partners: ACCOR Hotels, Australia Hotel Association WA, Australia Professional Skills Institute, and StudyPerth to provide the applied certifications and training.

Also Check: Rosen College of Hospitality Management Scholarships for Freshman/Current Students

Partner Institutions

The 100 international hospitality students will be recruited from 10 institutions who offer hospitality and tourism programs including: Australian Professional Skills Institute, Edith Cowan College, Edith Cowan University, Kaplan Business School, Keystone College of Business Technology, Kingston International College, Murdoch University, SERO Institute, Stanley College, and West Australian Institute of Further Studies.

Eligibility Criteria

To participate, you should be an international student enrolled in hospitality or tourism at any of the above institutions, passionate about hospitality, and interested in jumpstarting your hospitality career

Program Benefits

All training expenses will be covered by the grant such as meals, uniforms, training materials and venue hire. During this period, students will work across key hotel departments (Front Office, Housekeeping, and Food & Beverage) to gain an in-depth knowledge about hotel operations.

Recommended: Top 10 Australia Scholarships for International Students

How to Apply

please send an expression of interest, a CV, and a 300 words statement as to why you should be selected for this learning experience, why are you passionate about working in hospitality, and what do you expect to learn out of this experience.

Visit the Official Website for Further Details

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