
Urban Studies Foundation International Fellowships for Scholars from the Global South


Applications are invited to the Urban Studies Foundation International Fellowships for scholars from the Global South. Each award will cover the cost of a sabbatical period at a university of the candidate’s choice, worldwide.

Funding is available for a period ranging between 3-9 months, and eligible research may cover any theme pertinent to a better understanding of urban realities in the Global South.

Company/Organisation(s): Urban Studies Foundation

Program Type: Graduate Fellowship

Program Location:  Worldwide

Program Duration: 3-9 Months

Available Slot: Several

Basic Qualifications: PhD

Nationality: All Nationalities

See Also: AFRIKA KOMMT! Fellowship for Africans 2022-2024 [Fully Funded to Germany]

Urban Studies Foundation International Fellowships | ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA

To be eligible for the Urban Studies Foundation International Fellowships, applicants must meet the following requirements:

  • Applicants must be early-to-mid career urban scholars with a PhD awarded within the preceding 10 years (by the submission deadline) who currently work in a university or other research institution within the Global South.
  • Must be nationals of a country in the Global South.
  • Applicants must demonstrate excellent research abilities.

Fellowship Benefits

  • Accommodation and subsistence needs.
  • Return Travel
  • Assistance towards research costs.
  • Supplemental grant.

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Application Procedures

How-to-Apply: Interested applicants for the Urban Studies Foundation International Fellowships are to complete an online application form no later than the application deadline. Application must include the following:

  • Applicant information including: contact details, recent education, recent academic roles, and the names and contact details of two academic referees. Both referees should be prepared to submit letters of recommendation to the Urban Studies Foundation upon request.
  • Fellowship proposal information including dates, mentorship and host institution arrangements.
  • A draft budget with main cost items, and suitable evidence for any items above GBP 500.
  • A proposal that includes: an outline of the planned research (1200 words maximum), intended outputs (300 words maximum), designation of the host institution (300 words maximum), and a statement of how the candidate’s chosen mentor will support and facilitate the proposed research (300 words maximum).
  • Proof of applicant’s nationality and therefore eligibility for the award.
  • Applicant CV listing academic achievements and publications (3 pages maximum). Applicants must NOT list “Forthcoming” publications on their CV unless listed separately on the CV and they append evidence of the publication’s acceptance to their CV (maximum one page per publication).
  • Mentor CV, including any previous mentoring experience (3 pages maximum).
  • Supporting letter from the prospective mentor stating their willingness to act as a mentor to the fellow, indicating the suitability of the host institution for the proposed sabbatical study, and agreeing to meet the responsibilities outlined in the mentorship best practice guidelines document (2 pages maximum).

Application Deadline: 9th May 2022 at 23:59 GMT, UK time

Visit the Official Website for Further Details

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