
The Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU) Fellowships


The Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU) Fellowships 2021: Applications are invited from suitably qualified applicants for the Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU) Fellowships 2021.

The ACU Fellowship are primarily intended for academic and professional staff of ACU member universities and the creation of valuable new partnerships between member universities in different countries. The fellowship is valued at GBP 5,000.

Fellowship Sponsor(s): The Association of Commonwealth Universities

Host Institution(s): The Association of Commonwealth Universities

Number of Awards: Not specified

Study Level: All levels

Duration: Not specified

Nationality: All nationalities


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The Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU) Fellowships | ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA

To be eligible for the Association of Commonwealth Universities Fellowships, applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • Must be academic or professional staff of ACU member universities.
  • Research which aims to foster collaboration between universities and the private sector are encouraged.

Application Procedures

How-to-Apply: Interested applicants for the Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU) Fellowships 2021 are to first identify and approach a collaborator at an ACU member university in a country other than the one where the applicant is employed. Applicants can find other ACU member universities before completing the online application form.

As part of the application form, applicants must:

  • Summarise the work they plan to carry out during the fellowship, and how the collaboration will benefit the project. Explain why they have chosen to collaborate with their particular partner institution for the project rather than any other.
  • Describe the likely impact of the fellowship work.
  • Explain how they expect the fellowship to benefit their own professional development.
  • List the planned outputs of the fellowship.
  • Submit a time plan of the work, which must cover a minimum of six months between September 2021 and August 2022.
  • List the costs associated with the fellowship. These can include staff time, consumables, internet access and data, equipment, research data management, impact and engagement and open access.
  • Submit a letter or email of support from their head of department at their home institution.
  • Submit a letter or email of support from the collaborator at their partner institution.

See Also: Atlas Corps Fellowship 2021/2022 [Funded to the United States]

Application Deadline: 8th June 2021 at 15:00 UTC

Visit the Official Website for Further Details

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