
Tetfund National Research Fund (NRF) 2020 Grants


Tetfund National Research Fund (NRF) 2020 Grants: The Tertiary Education Trust Fund (TETfund) is pleased to announce to the Nigerian research community and the general public the call for application for its National Research Fund (NRF) 2020 grants cycle. TETFund announces that the fund to be disbursed is to the tune of N7.5 billion for the current 2020 NRF Grants cycle.

The process of assessing the 2020 NRF grants involves the response to the Call-for-Concept-Notes by Principal Investigators of the proposed research projects, to be followed later by the submission of full proposals by only those whose concept notes have been evaluated and the research projects are considered fundable. The research community is hereby encouraged to apply for the grants cycle before the application deadline.

Grant Sponsor(s): Tertiary Education Trust Fund (TETFund)

Grant to be taken at: Nigeria

Grant level: Professionals

Grant Worth: N7.5 billion worth of grants to be disbursed

Subject Eligibility: See Thematic Areas

Country/Candidate Eligibility: The grants is for the Nigerian research community.


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Grant Eligibility and Selection Criteria: To be considered for the Tetfund National Research Fund (NRF) 2020 Grants, applicants are to meet the following criteria:

  • Lecturers in any public universities, polytechnics and colleges of education in Nigeria are eligible.
  • The Principal Investigator who must preferably be of professorial cadre in a university, chief lecturer in a polytechnic or college of education will lead the research team and be personally responsible and held accountable for the conduct of the research.
  • Multi-Disciplinary and interdisciplinary research projects, comprising researchers from various disciplines are most highly encouraged.

Thematic Areas for the 2020 NRF Grant Application

Category 1: Science, Engineering, Technology and Innovation

            Agriculture and Food Security

Health and Social Welfare


Power and Energy

IT, Computing and Telecommunication

Space Science and Technology


Science and Engineering

Water and Sanitation

Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

Sustainable use of Natural Resources and Terrestrial Ecosystems

Category 2: Humanities and Social Sciences

            National Integration, Conflict, Defence and Security

Education and Human Capital

Economic Development and Globalization

History, Culture and Identities

Languages, Literature and Media

Social Development and Welfare

Population and Migration

Governance, Politics, Law and Ethics

Tourism, Sports and Recreation

Gender, Equity and Social Inclusion

Humanities, Social Sciences, Technology and Business Interface

Category 3: Cross-Cutting

Entrepreneurship and Wealth Creation

Environment, Housing and Urban and Regional Development

Resource Governance

Science, Technology and Innovation System Management

Blue Economy

Clean and Affordable Energy


Other Opportunities:

  1. 2020 Wales Africa Grants Scheme COVID-19 Response
  2. Fully funded University Research Scholarships Postgraduate Students At ANU


Application Procedures for the Tetfund National Research Fund (NRF) 2020 Grants


The application portal will be opened on the 22nd of June, 2020.The application process is entirely on an online platform. The Principal Investigator is expected to visit the official application website upon the opening of the portal, where he or she will be closely guided on the preparation and final submission of the concept note.

All the submitted Concept Notes will be evaluated by the National Research Fund Screening and Monitoring Committee (NRFS&MC). The Principal Investigators of the successful Concept Notes will be communicated to proceed to the preparation of the full Proposals which will also be processed online. The Principal Investigator and at least a member of the Research Team of an adjudged fundable proposal shall be invited to defend their proposal before the screening committee. Thereafter, the successful proposals for grant awards will be presented to the Board of Trustees of TETFund for approval.

Application Deadline: 21st July, 2020

Visit the Official Website for more Details

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