
Doctoral research students

World Bank Visiting Scholars Program

2020 AERC-World Bank Visiting Scholars Programs for Africans: The African Economic Research Consortium hereby invites

2020 IDRC Doctoral Research Awards for Students from Developing Nations

2020 IDRC Doctoral Research Awards for Students from Developing Nations: International Development Research Centre (IDRC)

2020 PhD Scholarships for International Students at University of Worcester

2020 PhD Scholarships for International Students at University of Worcester: Entries are hereby requested from

LUANAR/DAAD In-Region Scholarship for Africans

2021 Call for Application: LUANAR/DAAD In-Region Scholarship for Africans: Application are invited from qualified Africans

Graduate Research Scholarships for International Students in Australia

Graduate Research Scholarships for International Students in Australia, 2020: International students wishing to study in

ASRIC-UEMF Scholarships for African Scholars

Call for Application: ASRIC-UEMF Scholarships for African Scholars, 2020: The African Scientific Research and Innovation

Nigeria Prize for Science Award

Call for Application: Nigeria Prize for Science Award, 2020: Entries are being sought from scientists

ISMER Ph.D Excellence Scholarship for International Students in Canada

ISMER Ph.D Excellence Scholarship for International Students in Canada: Applications are invited from qualified international

Jiangsu Government Scholarship for International Students

Jiangsu Government Scholarship for International Students, 2020: International students are invited to apply for the

Senior Researcher African Scholar Program at the Nordic Africa Institute

Senior Researcher African Scholar Program at the Nordic Africa Institute: The Nordic Africa Institute is

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