2022/2023 Academic Session

Deakin University International Scholarships 2021-2022: Deakin University – Australia is welcoming applications from academically qualified

Changzhou University International Merit Scholarship: Changzhou University is rewarding an International merit scholarship to undergraduate

University of Edinburgh V. H. L. International MBA Scholarships: University of Edinburgh Business School invites

Graduate Research International Grant at the University of Melbourne 2021: The University of Melbourne through

DAAD In-Region Molecular Biology and Genetics Scholarship at Stellenbosch University: Applications are requested from African

University of Guelph International Undergraduate Entrance Scholarships: Applications are currently welcomed from suitably qualified candidates

OIST Research Internship Programme in Japan: Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST) Graduate University

Tuition Fee Scholarship (TFS) plus a Research Stipend at UNSW: Applications are hereby invited from

Wellington Doctoral Scholarships for International Students 2021: Wellington Doctoral Scholarship awards is intended to encourage

Research School of Accounting Honors Scholarships for International Students: Australian National University – Australia is