
SSI/ISID Fellowships in Health Research for Low Income Countries, 2020


SSI/ISID Fellowships in Health Research for Low Income Countries, 2020: The International Society for Infectious Diseases (ISID) and the Swiss Society for Infectious Diseases (SSI) is pleased to announce the joint sponsorship for the SSI/ISID Infectious Diseases Research Fellowship program for applicants recognized by the World Bank as low and middle income countries.

The fellowship seeks to support infectious disease physicians and scientists from under-resourced countries through multidisciplinary clinical and laboratory training in Switzerland. The fellowship is for one year and the start date will be arranged between the Fellow and the host institution. Applicants are hereby encouraged to apply for the opportunity before the application deadline.


Fellowship Sponsor(s): SSI/ISID

Fellowship to be taken at: Switzerland

Fellowship level: MD and PhD

Fellowship Worth: 50,000 CHF (approximately $51,000), travel costs and living expenses.

Subject Eligibility: Health related disciplines

Country/Candidate Eligibility: The fellowship is for residents of low and middle income countries as classified by the World Bank.


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Fellowship Eligibility and Selection Criteria: To be considered for the SSI/ISID Fellowships in Health Research for Low Income Countries, 2020, applicants are to meet the following criteria:

  • Applicants must be residents of countries classified by the World Bank as Low and middle income countries possessing either M.D or Ph.D. in a relevant field and hold a position at a medical, research or public health institution.
  • Applicants must be proficient in writing and speaking English and either German or French.
  • Applicants are to write a personal statement describing career goals and objectives, and relevance of training.
  • Applicants will be required to provide a letter of commitment from the applicant’s home institution guaranteeing position upon completion of the fellowship.


Other Opportunities:

  1. Independent States Commonwealth Regional Grants in Canada, 2020
  2. Africa International PGR Scholarships at King’s College, 2020


Application Procedure for the SSI/ISID Fellowships in Health Research for Low Income Countries, 2020


Applicants are to apply online using the online submission system to include curriculum vitae and other supporting documents.

Application Deadline: 24th April, 2020

Visit the Official Website for More Details

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