
Spencer Foundation Research Grants on Education 2020/21


Spencer Foundation Research Grants on Education 2020/21: The Spencer Foundation Research Grants Program supports education research projects that will contribute to the development and improvement of the educational sector supporting educational projects with budget of up to $50,000 ranging from one to five years.

The goal of the research grants is to support rigorous, intellectually ambitious and technically sound research that is relevant to the most pressing challenge and compelling opportunities in education. The grants also seek to support scholarship that develops new foundational knowledge that may have a lasting impact on educational discourse.

Grant Sponsor(s): Spencer Foundation

Grant to be taken in: Anywhere in the world

Grant Benefits: Up to $50,000

Grant Slot: Not specified

Course Eligibility: Disciplines in Education


Refer to: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Study Grants for Foreign and German Students

Grant Eligibility and Selection Criteria: To be considered for the Spencer Foundation Research Grants on Education 2020/21, applicants must ensure that they meet the following criteria:

  • Proposals for the Research Grants on Education must be for academic research projects that aim to study education. Proposals for activities other than research are not eligible. Additionally, proposals for research studies focused on areas other than education, are not eligible.
  • Principal investigators (PIs) and Co-PIs applying for a small Research Grant on Education must have earned doctorate in an academic discipline or professional field, or appropriate experience in an education research-related profession. While graduate students may be part of the research team, they may not be named the PI or Co-PI on the proposal.
  • The PI must be affiliated with a non-profit organization that is willing to serve as the administering organization if the grant is awarded. The Spencer Foundation does not award grants directly to individuals.
  • Proposals are accepted from the U.S. and internationally, however, all proposals must be submitted in English and budgets must be proposed in U.S. Dollars.

See Also: Study In US Universities: 10000 Scholarship Positions for International Students

Application Procedures for the Spencer Foundation Research Grants on Education 2020/21


Small Grant proposals must be submitted through an online application ford

following the guidelines below:

Step 1 – Registration

Note: This application is configured for the Principal Investigator (PI) on the project to register and submit the form. If someone other than the PI will be completing the online application (e.g., an administrative assistant), the PI should register as described in Step 1 below, then provide their username an_ password to the person assisting them with the application.

If you (the PI) have never accessed the Spencer Foundation online portal, you must register and create a profile by going to the Registration Portal and clicking the “Register Here” button.

Follow the guidelines on the registration page to create your profile.

If you already have an account, log on to update your profile and access the application.

Step 2 – My Profile

After logging in, follow the directions to complete the information requested on the My Profile page and upload your current CV (10 page limit). The My Profile page is your online account with the Spencer Foundation whether you are applying for a grant, reviewing a proposal, or submitting a grantee report.

Note: If you will have Co-PIs on your project, they must also register and complete their profile information if they wish to be included on the application.

Step 3 – Start a Proposal

To fill out the application, go to your Workbench and apply. Your draft application can be saved and returned to so that you may continue work on it at a later time and can be found on your Draft Proposals list on your Workbench.

Application Deadline: November 3, 2020 at 12:00pm CT

Visit the Official Website for more Details

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