
Sidney Topol Fellowship for International Students, 2020


Sidney Topol Fellowship for International Students, 2020: Applications are invited from suitably qualified applicants for the Sidney Topol Fellowship in Non-violence Practice for the Master of Arts in Conflict Resolution and Coexistence for the 2020 cycle. The Master’s Degree in Coexistence and Conflict at Brandeis University trains students to recognize, understand and begin to heal the ethnic, religious and cultural fault lines that endanger our world.

Following their academic training year, Topol Fellows will secure required practicum placements in organizations that use nonviolence methods to achieve sustainable peace, or in organizations committed to developing such methods.


Scholarship Sponsor(s): Heller School for Social Policy and Management

Scholarship to be taken at: Brandeis University

Scholarship level: Masters

Scholarship Worth: Partial Scholarship

Subject Eligibility: Masters of Arts in Conflict Resolution and Coexistence

Country/Candidate Eligibility: The scholarship is for international students.


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Scholarship Eligibility and Selection Criteria: To be considered for Sidney Topol Fellowship for International Students, 2020, applicants are to meet the following criteria:

  • Applicants for the Sidney Topol Fellowship in Nonviolence Practice must prove that their community benefitted from their personal commitment to nonviolent principles through prior volunteer or work projects.
  • Applicants must also commit to return to their community within the next two years to establish projects in nonviolence.
  • Recipients of the fellowship will be required to produce a report detailing their experiences at Heller and in the field, and to share their expectations for furthering a career focused on the use of nonviolent methods in conflict ridden areas.
  • Applicants must be graduates with a firm grasp of the delicate role that peace professional play in bringing antagonistic parties together and the leadership expertise to help communities build shared societies.


Other Opportunities:

  1. International Science Graduate Scholarships at University of Melbourne, Australia 2020/21
  2. Global Korea Scholarship for International Students, 2020


Application Procedure for the Sidney Topol Fellowship for International Students, 2020


Applicants must in addition to submitting a complete application to the Coexistence and Conflict program, applicants must submit the following:

A personal essay which outlines their prior work in nonviolence, and their proposed work, and how completing the MA in Coexistence and Conflict will help them be successful in these endeavors.

Applicants will be contacted for interview by phone or in person may be required.

Application Deadline: 15th April, 2020

Visit the Official Website for More Details

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