
Fully Funded Portugal Scholarships without IELTS 2025


Thinking about studying in Portugal? As an Undergraduate, Masters or PhD student wishing to gain a scholarship or tuition-free study in Portugal. You can take advantage of this list of Top Portugal Scholarships 2025 to apply and study in Portugal without IELTS.

Getting education in Europe comes with a very exciting experience, but also comes with lots of challenges and huddles, including the high cost of living and tuition for international students. It is good news that there are currently several scholarships offered both by the government and universities in Portugal made available to international student.

And, you can get these scholarships in Portugal even without present any English language test scores or qualifications (i.e without IELTS, TOEFL, etc).

Why Study in Portugal?

Yes…now the question might be, why Portugal? So, I’ll tell you. As a student, there are many advantages associated with choosing to study in Portugal, which includes low tuition fees, and a lower cost of living compared to other European nations.

Portugal’s high quality of education can be taken back to 1290AD when the world began to realize the need for education, and the level of education was civilized.

Portugal is a beautiful country with beautiful mountains and moderate weather making it fascinating study destination. That, I guess, certainly will make both living and studying safe and peaceful for international students.

Moreso, there are thousands of scholarships and fully funded opportunities available for international students wishing to take up a study program in Portugal.

Also Check: Top France scholarships without IELTS | Fully Funded

List of Scholarships in Portugal without IELTS

Below are some notable scholarship programs in Portugal requiring no IELTS, some of which are also fully funded:

1. Carnegie Mellon Portugal Program

The Carnegie Mellon Portugal Program is a synergy between a number of Portuguese Universities to train talents and highly qualified professionals through a dual degree Ph.D. and Professional Masters programs, and a faculty exchange program; research and innovation in potentially commercializable technologies.

About 12 scholarships are offered yearly and its open to both domestic and international students.

2. SAHC International Masters Programme

SAHC has as its objective to offer an advanced education programme on the engineering of conservation of structures, with a focus on architectural heritage. Scholarships financed by the SAHC Consortium are available for students coming from any geographical origin.

3. Learn Africa Scholarships in Spain & Portugal

The scholarships are fully funded and targeted at highly intelligent African female students who are willing to further their studies in either Spain or Portugal depending on their choice of location. It’s a way of aiding and training African undergraduate and graduate women through collaborative efforts.

4. UC Merit Undergraduate International Scholarships

The The University of Coimbra offers about 200 Merit Scholarships to deserving  International Students every year. It aims to assist intelligent and exceptional undergraduates in fulfilling their dreams of getting a Bachelor’s degree.

The amount of the scholarship received ranges between 1000 EUR and 2000 EUR depending on the student’s score point.

5. University of Aveiro Portugal International Scholarships

The best way to help international students achieve their dreams of studying outside their country is by coming up with merit-based scholarships to those with outstanding academic backgrounds.

Each year, the University of Aveiro (UA) puts aside scholarships for students who meet the necessary qualifications accepted by the University.

6. Gilman-FLAD Portugal Scholarship

The Gilman Scholarship Program aims to make Portugal a safe learning place for students who have an interest in pursuing or achieving their life’s goals by creating this scholarship medium.

In partnership with Luso-American Development Foundation, a private Portuguese philanthropic foundation, they have dedicated €10,000 in partial scholarships for each academic session.

You can click this search link for more scholarships in Portugal to help your study and achieve your dream. Also refer to our list of Top Scholarships in Germany Without IELTS to study in Germany fully funded.

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