
POGO-SCOR Fellowship Programme 2021 for Scientists in Developing Countries


POGO-SCOR Fellowship Programme 2021: Applications are invited from scientists, technicians, postgraduate students and postdoctoral fellows from developing countries for the POGO-SCOR Fellowship Programme 2021.

The fellowship jointly funded by POGO and the Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR) is designed to promote training and capacity building towards a global observation scheme for oceans.

Fellowship Sponsor(s): Partnership for Observation of the Global Ocean (POGO) and Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR)

Host Institution(s): POGO and SCOR

Number of Awards: Several

Study Level: PhD, Postdoctoral

Duration: Not specified

Nationality: Developing Countries


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POGO-SCOR Fellowship Programme 2021 | DETAILS

The fellowship aims to advance sustained ocean observations and their applications. It intends to support training in oceanographic observations and offers the fellows the opportunity to visit other oceanographic centre for training on any aspect of oceanographic observations, analyses and interpretation.

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for the POGO-SCOR Fellowship Programme 2021, applicants must:

  • Must be scientists, technicians, postgraduate students and postdoctoral fellows of developing countries and countries with economies in transition and involved in oceanographic work.

Selection Criteria

The following factors will be considered for the fellowship:

  1. Quality of the application;
  2. Relevance of the application to the priority areas identified in the Fellowship Announcement (Argo Floats and gliders; fixed-point time-series observations; large-scale, operational biological observations including biodiversity; emerging technologies for ocean observations; data management; coastal observations/ coastal zone management; ocean and coastal modelling; oxygen and other biogeochemical sensors on floats and gliders; optical measurements of living and non-living particles; time series measurements of N2O and CH4); ocean observations and modelling in the Indian Ocean (contributions to IIOE-2).
  3. Evidence that the training will lead to capacity-building with potential lasting impact on regional observations; and,
  4. The need to maximise regional distribution of the awards.

 Application Procedures

How-to-Apply: Interested applicants for the POGO-SCOR Fellowship Programme 2021 are to complete the proposal application template and other supporting documents before the deadline.

Application Deadline: 14 May 2021

Visit the Official Website for Further Details

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