
NEF Africa Energy Innovation Challenge 2024 ($10,000 Grant)


The Nigeria Energy Forum (NEF) is inviting applications from young entrepreneurs across Africa for the 9th NEF Africa Energy Innovation Challenge 2024. Candidates within the ages of 18 and 35 years from Africa are invited to participate.

The 9th NEF Africa Energy Innovation Challenge 2024 calls on young professionals and entrepreneurs across Africa to team up with local research institutions/industries to develop a prototype model of a device/equipment for energy management system, fintech solutions or agri-business, using local resources.


  • Program Sponsor: Nigeria Energy Forum
  • Host Institution: Energy Institutions in Africa
  • Funding Amount: $10,000
  • Target: Early-career Stage
  • Nationality: Africans

Also See: Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at UBC for Africans 2024-2025

The Program Structure

NEF invites proposals across four innovation tracks for early-stage energy entrepreneurs from Africa, including:

  • Track 1: Powering Agribusiness/Agro-industry;
  • Track 2: Energizing Healthcare & Social Development
  • Track 3: Clean Energy for Local Manufacturing
  • Track 4: Sustainable Energy for Solid Minerals Processing

Eligibility Criteria | NEF Africa Energy Innovation Challenge 2024

Applicants for the 9th NEF 2024 Africa Energy Innovation Challenge are required to meet the following criteria:

  • Must be young professionals aged 18 to 35 from Africa.
  • Applications can be submitted by a team of at least three people.
  • At least one team member must be from a local research institution or industry.
  • Teams may include members from different schools, institutions, companies, or countries.

Evaluation Criteria

The first round of submissions will be evaluated using the following attributes:

  • Local Content: utilize local resources, demonstrate the use of local expertise, alternative energy services or efficient solutions for powering agriculture, education, healthcare, industries etc.; and be significant enough for large impact.
  • Originality and creativity: present solutions that are original, and creative in areas that are either underdeveloped or severely underdeveloped in research and literature.
  • Commercial Viability: The proposed prototype model should be realistic, and practical rather than just theory, cost-efficient and outline commercial arrangements that address obvious roadblocks.
  • Clarity: ideas should be presented clearly and concisely with a realistic completion timeline.

Scholarship Benefits

The winners of the 9th NEF Africa Energy Innovation Challenge will:

  • Receive cash prize grants of up to USD 10,000 to demonstrate or scale their proposed solution.
  • Pitch their prototype model at the 2024 Nigeria Energy Forum using a poster and short video.
  • Benefit from unique networking opportunities with young professionals and senior decision-makers in government, international development, academia, and the private sector.
  • Attend business development workshops and receive support from a dedicated start-up incubator.

Also Check: African Development Bank-Japan Africa Dream Scholarship 2025

Application Procedure

How-to-Apply: Interested and eligible applicants are required to fill out and submit their application online via www.thenef.org/aeic. Additionally, note that;

  • Gmail Account MUST be used for upload on the online form; and email evidence of submission in Microsoft Word or PDF format by email to [email protected]with copy to [email protected]
  • The Subject lineof the email should follow the format: [Country] Title of the Project,
  • Submissions that exceed the page/word limit may be disqualified.
  • Shortlisted submissions would be invited to participate in the final round by submitting a1-page poster to summarize their design, with a detailed budget, a 2-page Design Brief and a Short 2-minute video to pitch a prototype model of the proposed solution.

Individuals or teams may submit multiple applications.

Application Deadline: September 30, 2024

Visit the Official Website for Further Details

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