
Master of Public Health in Global Health Program 2021 in Thailand


Opportunity abounds for interested students across the globe to pursue the Master of Public Health in Global Health Program in Thailand, for the 2021/2022 academic sessions. Tuition waivers and scholarships are available to support the program.

The Thammasat Faculty of Public Health is leading the way to develop international collaborations in education and research reflecting this new model. Our priorities include developing a graduate program that defines global health from a socio-political perspective with an emphasis on interregional capacity building applying a South-to-South focus (Africa, Asia-Pacific and Middle East).

Program Objectives

  • The program’s objectives are expressed as core and functional competencies. Students are expected to achieve the following core competencies amongst other functional ones:

Core competencies

  • Analyze the major underlying determinants of ill population health in countries and identify how human rights and social justice concepts and instruments provide a framework to promote global health.
  • Analyze the political dimension of global health, including the processes by which health diplomacy influences the adoption and enforcement international laws, conventions, agreements, norms and standards through global actors and transnational networks. This should include the domains of trade, labor, food supply, the environment, pharmaceuticals, international aid, human rights, and conflict.
  • Analyze the principles and practices that foster collaborative and multi-stakeholder design, management, and evaluation of programs in middle and low income countries to assure equitable access to quality health services.

Tuition Fees & Scholarships

  • Tuition Fees: MPH-Global Health estimated cost for tuition and administrative fees: $17,000 (USD)
  • Global Health Scholarship: The Global Health Curriculum Committee offers merit-based partial scholarships for qualifying candidates from the top 50 countries listed in the fragile states index of the Fund for Peace. Visit following webpage to check for eligibility http://fundforpeace.org/fsi/
  • SEAOHUN Scholarship: The Southeast Asian One Health University Network (SEAOHUN) offers partial scholarships for qualifying candidates from Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam orone of the SEAOHUN expansion countries, namely Cambodia, Lao PDR, and Myanmar. Visit the agency webpage at: http://seaohun.org/
  • TICA Scholarship: The Thai International Cooperation Agency (TICA) offers scholarships for qualifying government employees of selected countries. Visit the agency webpage at: http://www.tica.thaigov.net
  • Prospect Burma Scholarships: Prospect Burma offers partial scholarships for qualifying candidates from Myanmar. Check out the agency’s webpage at https://prospectburma.orgas the application deadline is usually in December.
  • Prison Health Research Scholarship Program
  • Fellowship Support: The World Health Organization offers fellowship for qualifying candidates who are employees of Ministry of Health or other government agencies. For fellowship support, candidates are advised to approach the Fellowship Officer in their local WHO Office to check their eligibility and / or visit their webpage.

Application Procedures

  • How-to-Apply: You can initiate your application online by clicking the “Apply Now” button [link].
  • Applications are admissible from September onwards of the year preceding enrollment to the program until July 31thof the year of enrollment.
  • If the degree was granted by an institution outside of Thailand, the institution must be accredited by the governing educational body of the country (i.e. the Ministry of Education).
  • Review the application requirements carefully before starting your application.
  • Complete your online application admission form.
  • The data you enter in the online application, including the contents of all attachments, is subject to verification. It is your responsibility to ensure that all the information provided in the application is accurate.
  • Thammasat University reserves the right to withdraw an offer of admission or to terminate enrollment if there is any discrepancy between the submitted application data and the subsequently verified data.
  • Application Deadline: The annual application deadline for the MPH Global Health Program is July 31th11:59:59 p.m., GMT+07:00 time zone.

Visit the Official Website for Further Details

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