
Marie Sklodowska –Curie Fellowship for International Researchers 2020


Marie Sklodowska –Curie Fellowship for International Researchers 2020: International and domestic researchers who wish to become a Marie Sklodowska –Curie Fellow, Australia are encouraged to apply for the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) mobility programme. The fellowship seeks to support researchers at all stages of their career irrespective of their age and nationality. The fellowship is a milestone enabling award recipients to work with state-of-the-art technology, build lasting networks, experience and discover Australia as well as strengthen the student’s soft skills.

The MSCA encourage collaboration and sharing of ideas between different industrial sectors and research disciplines to benefit humanity.  MCSA also back initiatives that break down barriers between academia, industry and business as well as reach out to the public with events that promote the value and fun of science. Applicants are therefore encouraged to avail themselves of the opportunity offered by the MCSA.


Fellowship Sponsor(s): Marie Sklodowska-Curie Action; European Commission

Fellowship to be taken at: Europe

Fellowship level: Post doctoral

Fellowship Benefits: Monthly stipend of €4,880, mobility allowance €600, Family Allowance €500

Subject Eligibility: Any discipline

Country/Candidate Eligibility: The fellowship is for international and domestic researchers.


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Fellowship Eligibility and Selection Criteria: To be considered for the Marie Sklodowska –Curie Fellowship for International Researchers 2020, applicants are to meet the following criteria:

  • Researchers must have completed a doctorate or at least 4 years of full-time research experience after their graduation and must be self-motivated with strong leadership and research abilities.
  • Researchers who have generally not resided or carried out their main activity in the country of the host institution for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to the fellowship deadline.
  • Applicants must be willing to abide by the rules and regulations governing the conducts of the fellowship recipients.


Also Check:

  1. Call for 2020 Application: Research Fellowships for Scientists in Africa
  2. 2020 Postdoctoral Fellowships for International Students


Application Procedures for the Marie Sklodowska –Curie Fellowship for International Researchers 2020


Applicants for the fellowship award are to submit a research proposal of their research work including their curriculum vitae. The proposal should be jointly written with the applicant’s chosen host organization(s).

Application Deadline: 10th September, 2020

Visit the Official Application Website for further Details

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