Jacobs Foundation Research Fellowship Program 2021 for Early Career Researchers: The Jacobs Foundation Research Fellowship Program 2021 is a globally renowned fellowship program for early and mid-career researchers whose research area is dedicated to improving the development, learning and living conditions of children and youth.
Fellowships are awarded to highly talented and innovative early and mid-career researchers who have received their PHD within the past 10 years. The relevant disciplines for the fellowship include but not limited to, education sciences, psychology, economics, sociology, family studies, media studies, political science, linguistics, neurosciences and medical science.
Fellowship Sponsor(s): Jacobs Foundation
Fellowship to be taken at: Switzerland
Fellowship Level: Postgraduate
Fellowship Slot: 12
Fellowship Worth: See Fellowship Benefits
Country Eligibility: Countries the world over
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Jacobs Foundation Research Fellowship Program 2021 | ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA
To be eligible for the Jacobs Foundation Research Fellowship Program 2021, applicants must:
- Have obtained his/her PhD or its equivalent degree within the past 10 years.
- Be employed at an institution of higher education or research institute.
- Be conducting high-quality research in an area of interest to the Jacobs Foundation.
- Be committed to engaging the Jacobs Foundation and the Fellowship Network and contributing to the Foundation’s activities.
- Demonstrate excellent academic, research and leadership abilities.
Fellowship Benefits
- Funding amount of CHF 150’000
- Salary of 50% of the funding amount.
- CHF 15’000 for overhead and indirect costs.
- Additional funding may be given on completion of the fellowship
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Application Procedures
How-to-Apply: Applicants for the Jacobs Foundation Research Fellowship Program 2021 are to go the online application and follow the steps outlined below to apply:
- Click on Post Application.
- Register on the Spigit website to gain access. If you already have an account, sign in directly.
- Fill in the online application form. You may save your application at any time and finish later.
Document Requirements:
- The candidate’s curriculum vitae, including a list of the candidate’s scientific publications
- A published scientific paper by the candidate (The two documents are to be uploaded in connection with the application form).
Documents to be sent separately to the Jacobs Foundation:
A 1-page recommendation letter from a senior researcher, within or outside of the candidate’s department, supporting the candidate and describing his/her qualifications, initiative, and research. This letter should be sent directly to [email protected].
Note: Recommendation letters have to be sent by January 11, 2021, 23.59 CET. Incomplete applications and applications not submitted via the online application form will not be considered.
Application Deadline: January 11, 2021, 23.59 CET
2 thoughts on “Jacobs Foundation Research Fellowship Program 2021 for Early Career Researchers”
I have read the post and developed a deep interest in the fellowship. Unfortunately I just completed successfully my PhD Thesis defense on the 16/11/20 and I am destined for graduation at the University of Nairobi in June 2021.
My area of PhD Research was in the learning of English language in Kenyan Rehabilitation Schools (whose quality is wanting). Children in Kenya find themselves in Rehabilitation Schools because of parenting issues.
Do I qualify to apply for the program or I have to wait till I graduate???
Jaluo Murunga
Although the criteria states that you must have received your PhD within the past 10 years, if you still need to go ahead and apply then be ready to convince the programme organizers why you think you are qualified.