
IMD Scholarships for Women from Developing Countries 2020


IMD Scholarships for Women from Developing Countries 2020: Applications are requested from women from developing countries around the world to apply for the 2020 Nestle Scholarship for Women to be taken at the Institute for Management Development (IMD), Switzerland and Singapore. IMD scholarships aim to encourage high achievers from the globe who don’t necessarily have the financial means to apply, but do have the drive, passion and potential to succeed in their academic pursuit.

IMD has the commitment to foster the growth in diversity through their merit and need-based MBA scholarships, which are awarded to candidates who have applied to enrol for an offer to join the IMD MBA program. Applicants from developing countries are encouraged to apply for the MBA scholarship with external funding from Nestlé.


Scholarship Sponsor(s): Nestlé Scholarship

Scholarship to be taken at: Switzerland

Scholarship level: MBA

Scholarship Worth: CHF 25,000

Subject Eligibility: Business Administration and related courses.

Country/Candidate Eligibility: The Scholarship is for female candidates from developing countries.


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Scholarship Eligibility and Selection Criteria: To be considered for the IMD Scholarships for Women from Developing Countries 2020, applicants are to meet the following criteria:

  • Applicants must be from developing countries who without the scholarship will not be able to afford the MBA degree program.
  • Applicants must have obtained good grades in relevant subjects from recognized universities across the world.
  • Applicants must demonstrate strong leadership ability and commitment to undertaking and completing the scholarship offering.
  • Applicants must be willing to abide by the rules and regulations that guides the conduct of students of the IMD scholarships.


See Also:

  1. University of Aizu Monbukagakusho Honors Scholarship in Japan
  2. 2020 Masters Scholarships for Students from Developing Countries in Ireland


Application Procedures for the IMD Scholarships for Women from Developing Countries 2020


Applicants are to submit an MBA Financial Aid Form with the following supporting documents: Yearly proof of salary, tax return form, latest bank account statements for all your bank accounts.

Applicants are to submit a 750-word essay on “Many have argued that greater diversity in the top management team of an organization is good for profits and customers. What would you recommend as ways to achieve greater diversity?”.

When writing the essay, applicants are to ensure that they use the IMD MBA Scholarship Template, to respect the word limit and express personal point of view in applicant’s own words, supported by proper citation if necessary.

Application Deadline: 1st September, 2020

Visit the Official Website for more Details

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