
IMD MBA Scholarships in Switzerland for International Students 2022/23


International Students are currently invited to take advantage of the 2022/23 IMD MBA Scholarships to study in Switzerland. While some of the scholarships are awarded on the grounds of financial needs with no IELTS required, others are awarded to the best all-round applicants who meet the additional criteria.

No scholarship application is necessary; however, recipients are typically those with a high GMAT/GRE score, who clearly demonstrate qualities such as career progress, an international outlook, an open mind and strong interpersonal skills throughout their application and assessment day.

Financial Need Scholarshipsup to CHF 30K

Merit scholarships cannot be awarded to everyone, if you will need our financial assistance, please be sure to apply for one of our Financial Need Scholarships at the same time as your admissions application and contact one of our loan providers

  • Deadline to apply : 2 weeks after your admissions application
  • Criteria : Proven financial need, good academic results, strong reference letters, and steady career progression
  • Submit the IMD MBA Financial Aid Form and supporting documents
  • Recipients confirmed on an ongoing basis

Merit-based IMD MBA Scholarshipsup to CHF 50K

These scholarships are awarded to the best all-round applicants who meet the additional criteria. No scholarship application is necessary, however recipients are typically those with a high GMAT/GRE score, who clearly demonstrate qualities such as career progress and other criteria.

Scholarship Amount Criteria
Young Leaders Scholarships up to CHF 50K Demonstrate exceptional leadership potential and be aged 24-27 years old
Forté Women Scholarships CHF 20K Women applicants who apply for the 1 Feb or 1 May admissions deadline
Leadership Scholarships CHF 30K Demonstrate exceptional leadership experience or potential
Entrepreneur Scholarship up to CHF 30K Demonstrate strong entrepreneurial experience
Sustainability Scholarship up to CHF 30K Demonstrate exceptional sustainability impact
Healthcare Scholarship up to CHF 30K Demonstrate strong work experience in the healthcare industry
Military Scholarship up to CHF 30K Have a professional military background with strong achievements
Sports Scholarship up to CHF 30K Demonstrate a strong professional sports background
Tech Scholarship up to CHF 30K Demonstrate strong work experience in the tech industry
Africa Scholarships up to CHF 30K Be a citizen of this region
Asia Scholarships up to CHF 30K Be a citizen of this region
Europe Scholarships up to CHF 30K Be a citizen of this region
Latin America Scholarships up to CHF 30K Be a citizen of this region
Middle East Scholarships up to CHF 30K Be a citizen of this region
North America up to CHF 30K Be a citizen of this region
Oceania up to CHF 30K Be a citizen of this region

Application Procedures

How-to-Apply: There is no application required for these scholarships, however the awardee must have applied and be awarded a conditional or unconditional admission in the IMD MBA programs in Switzerland.

Application Deadlines: Varies

Visit the Official Website for Further Details

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