
Environmental Education Programme (EEP) for Africans | Call for Applications


Environmental Education Programme (EEP) 2021: Applications are invited from suitably qualified students, youths and enthusiasts from across the African continent for the Education programme in Environment2021.

The programme seeks to provide hands-on environmental education and grant support among the youth across African countries to conceptualizing and implementing innovative local environmental solutions in Africa.

Environmental Education Programme (EEP) 2021 | DETAILS

The programme seeks to provide youth with action competencies that will enable them to develop capacity and long-term commitment to sustainability for everyday life, career engagement or voluntary service as environmentalists or influencers for the environment at the local and international levels.

The 2021 edition of the programme builds on the successful pilot case implementation of the programme in Nigeria, South Africa, Kenya, Cameroon, and Uganda in 2018, 2019 and 2020/2021. With funding support from Laila Johansson och Björn Bergströms scholarship from WWF Sweden, each selected student team will be awarded a grant of up to USD 500 to implement their projects.

Apply for: Young Sustainable Impact Momentum Programme for Entrepreneurs

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for the EEP Programme 2021, applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • Each secondary school will be represented by a team comprising of at least five (5) students and a coordinating teacher (more students and teachers are allowed depending on the nature of their project).
  • Organisations who work directly with secondary school students may also apply.
  • Each team is expected to identify environmental challenges and needs that are linked to nature conservation in their communities covering water scarcity, renewable energy and protection of biodiversity, marine life, freshwater life, wildlife conservation, threatened ecosystem and propose an idea of how they could address the challenge or meet the need.

Programme Benefits

  1. Support from international and local experts as technical advisors to refine and help with the implementation of the project through quality mentorship and advisory.
  2. Capacity development through critical thinking, hands-on project implementation, online webinar presentation and training
  3. Up to USD 500 funding for the implementation of your project idea for all selected teams.The ideas will be innovative projects that connect nature conservation with other themes of development and livelihood including outdoor activities are strongly encouraged. Please, note that the implementation of the projects should be between 3-6 months
  4. Certificate of participation
  5. Opportunity to share their projects with other secondary school students across the globe
  6. Leverage on the global visibility and publicity of ISNAD-Africa, and World Wild Fund for Nature (WWF)
  7. At the completion of the projects, monetary awards will be awarded to the three “EcoHeroes” Clubs with the most innovative and impactful to support the operation of their club after the completion of their projects sponsored within EEP.

See Also: World Bank Young Professionals Program (YPP) 2021

Application Procedures

How-to-Apply: Interested applicants for the Environmental Education Programme (EEP) 2021 are to complete the online application. They are to submit the following documents:

  • Letter of support: A letter from the school’s management expressing its support for school’s team participation in the programme, and the commitment of the school to the operation and sustainability of the club, “EcoHeroes” after the completion of project funded within EEP. The letter should also indicate that the school has/will provide electricity access and internet access as well as a projector and camera for quality and short video recordings.
  • Download the budget template for your project. Complete it and submit it as a PDF document.

Application Deadline: October 15th, 2021 (11:59HRS GMT +1).

Visit the Official Website for Further Details

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