
DAAD Federal Ministry of Education and Research Deutschlandstipendium


Applications are currently invited from interested and outstanding candidates to take advantage in the Deutschlandstipendium and Federal Ministry of Education and Research granted to students to enhance their academic and research programs.

The Deutschlandstipendium supports new or advanced students of excellent academic and professional promise. The funding of 300 EUR is granted irrespective of the student’s income (in addition to BAföG funding) for a period of at least 2 semesters and at most until the end of the standard study period, thus giving the students the opportunity to focus on their studies.


  • Scholarship Sponsor(s): Federal Ministry of Education and Research
  • Host Institution(s): Universities in Germany
  • Funding Amount: 300 EUR each month
  • Number of Awards: Several
  • Study Level: Masters
  • Nationality: International Students

See Also: Australia Government Research Training Program (RTP) 2025

Eligibility Criteria

In order to be eligible for Deutschlandstipendium Programs, the applicant has to meet all of the following criteria:

  • Applicants need to meet the admission requirements of a state or state-approved higher education institution in Germany and need to be either already matriculated or about to start their studies.
  • Students who study at a university of applied sciences for public administration (Verwaltungshochschule) are not eligible if they receive remunerations or other payments from public funds as public servants.
  • Doctoral candidates and students at federal universities (Hochschulen des Bundes) cannot apply for a Deutschlandstipendium.)
  • Applicants with good grades and an excellent willingness to take responsibility or the successful overcoming of obstacles on the candidate’s personal or educational path.

Equally Check: DAAD Research Grants and Scholarships for International Students [Fully-funded]

Application Procedures

How-to-Apply: Qualified candidates for Deutschlandstipendium Programs should submit application online.

  • (Advanced) students: can apply if they meet the requirements of the higher education institution, they are enrolled at
  • The application process generally complies with the Stipendienprogramm-Gesetz (StipG).

Application Deadline: Not Specified

Visit the Official Website for Further Details

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