In this article we bring to you 10 business Ideas that will give you more money in your pocket even when you only work from home. The ideas list herein are considered Best 10 Business Ideas you can think of when considering business you can start at home.
You have arranged your room more than once, watched your favorite show, completed your assignments, slept and woke up, yet the day is still young, time seems to travel at a very slow pace these days amid the stay at home policy imposed by the authorities.
While you have been busy doing nothing for the past months, since the beginning of the COVID -19 pandemic a lot of people have been involved in money-making business from their homes and wishing that 24hours was longer. How then can you utilize your time effectively and make money from home during this period.
Today i will be sharing with you top 10 business ideas for students and young graduates can start from the comfort of their home”.
Here You Go……..
NCDC has put in a lot of efforts and resources just to create awareness on the need for people to wash and sanitize their hands during this outbreak.
This has provided for a large demand for hand sanitizers, as business owners, companies, individuals, everyone needs to buy and use hand sanitizer.
So here is where you come in, you can make and sell this hand sanitizer, and your market is limitless.
Wondering how to make this product? A lot online resources are available – even one click away. You can learn how to make sanitizers by simply searching for these online resources.
Check: Scholarship for Women in Business Scholarship at Nexford University
People generally have little to no need for making new clothes today, as there are no weddings, no baby dedications, and no church services to attend anymore. Everyone is at home because there is a ban on gathering imposed by the authorities.
NCDC has advised on the importance of the use of facemask, and in many states, the use of facemask has become mandatory.
People are already making ‘big earnings!’ So this is a massive market for you too.
You can make customized and very fashionable facemask that you can sell for a high price, or you can make facemask for health care workers who are on the frontline of the COVID-19 battle. Just little of tailoring skill and you are good to go.
While many business owners that hitherto where doing very well has lost money, closed up and are home, bloggers are at the peak of their business financially and growing fat bank account!.
Guess why? This is because even before the government imposed the stay at home policy, they were already used to the work from home pattern of business.
You can take advantage of such opportunity too.
You can put up post multiple times a day and on practically any issue, from lifestyle to health tips, to gossip.
Starting a blog is as simple as anything you can do…I mean even you can start it. To start a blog you need to buy and register a domain name …don’t worry domain names doesn’t cost must. You can try those of Namecheap, GoDaddy, etc. Before you start though, you need to choose a niche you can function well in and get a good hosting service for your site. We use and also recommend the two-in-one and affordable Namecheap hosting package for you. To grow your site quickly, you may use a webpush service like, you can also check online for numerous others not mentioned in this post.
As easy as this sounds, you can make a whole lot of money just by cooking, you can cook from home and advertise your meal online, because virtually every restaurant and hotel where people could get good food are closed.
For those of you who might be interested but cannot cook, you need not to worry, because there are a hundred recipes online that you can gain access to.
Simply make sure that before you start selling you get your honest friends and family to try out your meals first… or call me, I will do a better job…hahaha, how I like food.
Online consultant might sound like a very difficult job, ignore how big the name sounds, it’s simply giving advice to people. Easy now right?
If you have a basic skill you can start up a home base consultancy business and reach a lot of clients.
You could be a consultant on different topics, for example; Music – you could talk/ write on how to train your voice, Fashion – how to dress for an online meeting. And a host of other topics.
Vologger? yes that is a word in today’s world.
We are all use to bloggers and blogging, which was actually among our top 10 list, if you want to know how to become a blogger and how you can generate income for blogging, and read our first 5 listed jobs from the top 10 list.
Vologger, or video log which is shorten to vlog, is a type of web television, the use of images, text, to convey a message.
It’s just like blogging, but you are showing, and telling, through pictures. Simple put a person who regularly posts short videos to a vlog is a vologger.
This currently is a huge opportunity because as long as your videos are fun, interesting, fresh, short, and informing, people will be willing to subscribe.
From ads that YouTube place on your videos to sponsor content on your channels, this is a huge market.
As a freelance this means that you are self-employed, able to regulate your hours and maximize them financially.
As a freelance you could register with any of these sites,, and a host of other sites.
To begin, you need to choice a skill that you have an understanding of, it could be web designing, or copy writing, or translating. Just make sure that whatever you eventual choice it should be something you have at least basic skills for.
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AAI One World Scholarship for Students from Developing Countries
Since the social distancing imposed by the authorities, people have relied on online shopping to get a lot of what they need. This has so far helped to increase the already populated online market.
Seeing that online shopping reduces human contact.
You can begin an online store where you get companies or individual to display their goods or services, on you online store for a price, and you can help them market and sell.
Some major online store has been reported to be either out of stock, or due to the Corona virus, delivery are delayed.
So this is a problem for them but an opportunity for you.
In most nations today, schools are no longer operating in their full capacities. While some schools have become innovative and have taken up the use of several online platforms to teach their students from home many schools are yet to join this train leaving numerous children, to continue without an education.
You can become a private online tutor, by giving out online tutorials to several students in their homes. Or you can take it further and create a leaning page, where tutorials are offered to a larger number at the same time.
Imagine how much of an answer you will be to these children parent or ward.
The ancient of all jobs has been known to be farming; it is one which will not be outdated or outlived, because people will always eat.
We have different kind of farming, crop farming, poultry, fishery, and a host of others.
There is the long-term farming, and the short term farming.
Whichever you choose to get into, make sure you acquired the skill for the job, and because people will always eat, there is always a large market for every kind of farming.
So get started today, and let us know how much we have been of help.
If you have more ideas or can contribute to the ideas listed above, please free drop a comment at the comment section.
These top 10 business ideas for students and young graduates can start from home can come out to be your way to success if you can grab any of the ideas now.
Make sure to visit our website regularly for other interesting articles that will help you in your study and career growth.
5 thoughts on “10 Best Business Ideas for Students to Start at Home”
9 th is online torturing…hahahah
Lolz…that was a typo. It is actually “tutoring” and it’s now corrected. Thanks for pointing it, RS.
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