IARC Fellowships for Medical Scholars 2021: Interested applicants are hereby requested to apply for the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) fellowships for medical scholars 2021. The research fellowships are tenable at the IARC center in Lyon, France. Candidates are to send in their proposal which should be in line with IARC’s three emerging priorities.
Research having an interdisciplinary approach are encouraged. The International Agency for Research on Cancer is the specialized cancer agency of the World Health Organization for the promotion of international collaboration in cancer research. The 2021 fellowship will focus on Evolving cancer risks factors and populations in transition; Implementation research; Economic and societal impacts of cancer.
Fellowship Sponsor(s): International Agency for Research on Cancer
Fellowship to be taken in: France
Fellowship Worth: See Fellowship Benefits
Fellowship Slot: Not specified
Subject Eligibility: Not specified
Country Eligibility: Candidates from Low and Middle Income Countries
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IARC Fellowships for Medical Scholars 2021 | Details
Eligibility and Selection Criteria
Eligibility: To be eligible for the IARC Fellowships for Medical Scholars, applicants must:
- Have completed their doctoral degree within five years of the closing date for application, or must be in the final year of their doctoral degree.
- Candidates with a masters degree are also eligible to apply on condition that their research experience can be considered equivalent to that of a candidate with a doctoral degree.
- Be proficient in English at a level sufficient for scientific communication.
- Must be available to take up the fellowship before the end of 2021.
Fellowship Benefits
- Travel allowances
- Stipend of €2,820 per month
- Health insurance
- Return grant of max. €10,000
See Also: Adobe Research Fellowship Award for Graduate Students 2021/2022 ( $10000 Prize)
Application Procedures
How-to-Apply: Applicants for the IARC Fellowships for Medical Scholars are to submit an Online application before the application deadline.
Application Deadline: 10 December 2020 at 23:59 CET
2 thoughts on “Call for Application: IARC Fellowships for Medical Scholars 2021”
want medical studies
Hello Sofia, Please do visit this site for updates on opportunities in medical studies. Best regards