Google Conference and Travel Scholarships 2021: Applications are invited from suitably qualified applicants for the Google Conference and Travel Scholarships 2021. Google is excited to offer the Conference and Travel Scholarships for selected conferences in the tech industry and related areas.
The 2021 scholarship is to help lessen the financial burden that prevent underrepresented groups in technology and business from attending leading conferences which would have helped to collaborate and learn new techniques. The scholarships are for scholars from North America, Europe, Africa, APAC. Applicants from Africa can also see the Google Africa Scholarships.
Scholarship Sponsor(s): Google
Scholarship Level: Not specified
Scholarship Worth: See Scholarship Benefits
Scholarship Slot: Not specified
Subject Eligibility: Technology and related areas
Country Eligibility: Countries in North America, Europe, Africa, APAC
You may like: Generation Google Scholarship for Students in Europe, Middle East and Africa
Google Conference and Travel Scholarships 2021 | Eligibility Criteria
Eligibility for North America
- Have a strong academic and/or professional background with demonstrated leadership ability
- Be able to attend the core day(s) of one of the conferences
- Persons who are (1) residents of North America and US Territories, (2) studying or working in North America, or (3) will be in North America at the time of the conference
- Applicants must be 18 years of age or older
Eligibility for Europe
- Have a strong academic and/or professional background with demonstrated leadership ability
- Be able to attend the core day(s) of one of the conferences
- Persons who are residents of Europe, Middle East or Africa
- Applicants must be 18 years of age or older
Eligibility for Africa
- Be a student enrolled with a recognized university in Africa who is in need of conference travel funds.
- Studying computer science, computer engineering, or a technical field related to the conference subject.
- Have a paper accepted for presentation (oral or poster) in the main conference program at a top-tier Computer Science conference. We prefer to support conferences in research areas where Google has a strong interest. Please visit for a list of areas.
- The paper must be accepted for full publication and preferably full oral presentation. Workshop papers will not be approved for travel scholarships.
- Be the sole or joint first author of the accepted paper.
See Also: Google STEP Internship 2021 (Student Training in Engineering Program)
Eligibility for APAC
- Be a student enrolled with a recognized university in the country/region where travel grants are available in need of conference travel funds.
- Have a paper accepted for full publication at a top-tier top-tier computer science conference. Preference to support conferences in research areas where Google has a strong interest. Please visit for a list of areas.
- Be the primary author of the accepted paper.
- Have a paper accepted for oral presentation in the main conference program.
Scholarship Benefits
- Cost of attending the conference.
- Conference fees
Application Procedures
How-to-Apply: Interested applicants for the Google Conference and Travel Scholarships 2021 are to visit the official application website and check the regional tabs for information on application dates. The are to ensure that they meet the application requirements before setting out to apply.
Application Deadline: Varies
1 thought on “Call for Application: Google Conference and Travel Scholarships 2021”
I received it like a gift and i would want to thank Study Green for that wonderful gesture. best feelings. God bless the organizers.