
Call for Application: African Union Youth Innovation Challenge 2020


Call for Application: African Union Youth Innovation Challenge 2020: The African Union is pleased to announce the Democracy and Governance in Africa- Youth Innovation Challenge for youth innovators, innovation hubs and incubation centres across the continent to participate in the innovation challenge. The challenge calls for existing innovations that are making impact in the structural prevention of conflict through addressing issues of democracy deficit, lack of good governance and contribute to the promotion and protection of human rights.

African Union Youth Innovation Challenge 2020

Young innovators across the continent that are doing commendable work-the African Governance Architecture (AGA) Secretariat in a joint project with Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) is working to identify, capacitate and recognize youth innovations, innovation hubs and incubation centres across the continent that are working on innovations for structural prevention of conflict through addressing issues of democracy deficit, lack of good governance and work to promote good human rights practices.

Programme Sponsor(s): African Union

Programme to be taken at: Africa

Programme Worth: See programme Prize

Subject Eligibility: Any field

Country/Candidate Eligibility: The programme is for African youths.


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Programme Eligibility and Selection Criteria: To be considered for the Call for Application: African Union Youth Innovation Challenge 2020, applicants are to meet the following criteria:

  • The innovation should focus on Youth or innovation should be led by a young person aged between 18-35 years.
  • Innovators, innovations, innovation hubs should be based in Africa; African diaspora are open to apply but innovation in focus should be focused or based in Africa.
  • The submission should be based on an existing innovation (digital or non-digital) on or contributing to the following thematic areas: Enhancing good governance; Promoting democracy; Citizen participation; Creating social cohesion; Supporting public service; Justice and rule of law; Promoting and protection of human rights; and other relevant thematic areas that contribute to the AU theme of the year- Silencing the Guns.
  • The idea or innovation should have been implemented/tested with a level of success/impact but have room for improvement, replication or scale up at national, regional or continental level.
  • Innovation must reflect the mainstreaming of women and gender equality
  • Female innovators are highly encouraged to apply


Other Opportunities:

  1. 2020 Smithsonian Institution Fellowship at the University of Melbourne, Australia
  2. Youth Leadership Programme at LEAP Africa 2020


Programme Prize: The successful applicants will receive an opportunity for an accelerator training to help develop their ideas further, for expansion and greater impact. Experienced trainers and experts will be supporting the ideas to refine, improve and transform them into initiatives that will be magnified, replicated or scaled up.

Application Procedures for the Call for Application: African Union Youth Innovation Challenge 2020


Applications can be submitted by completing the Application form.  Applicants are to complete the form by filling all the sections and email the attachment(s) to the email: [email protected]. Once submitted. The application process is final.

Application Deadline: 28th July, 2020

Visit the Official Website for more Details

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