
British Council GREAT Scholarships at University of Kent, UK 2022/2023


The University of Kent – UK is welcoming applications from brilliant and eligible international students for the British Council GREAT Scholarships and delighted to offer dedicated scholarships of £10,000 to to Chinese, Ghanaian, Egyptian, Indian, Kenyan, Malaysian, and Thailand citizens.

The GREAT Scholarships programme is funded jointly by the UK Government’s GREAT Britain campaign, British Council and the University of Kent, as part of the Study UK campaign.

Scholarship Sponsor(s):  UK Government’s GREAT Britain campaign/British Council/University of Kent

Scholarship Type:  Partial funding

Host Institution(s): University of Kent, UK

Scholarship Worth:  €10,000 per awardee

Study Level:  Masters

Number of Awards:  10 Awards per year

Nationality:  Overseas Students


Equally Apply:  Fully-Funded Fulbright South African Research Scholar Program 2022-2023 | Application Open 

Eligibility Criteria | British Council GREAT Scholarship 2022/23

To be eligible for a scholarship, you must:

  • be a citizen of one of the programme’s countries: China, India, Kenya, Malaysia, Nigeria or Thailand, and be assessed as an overseas fee payer.
  • have received a conditional offer and have accepted this before the deadline date of 30 April 2022
  • be starting your course in September 2022
  • be active in the field with work experience or proven interest in the subject area
  • be willing to embody the UK Higher Education experience, by attending lectures and tutorials and engaging with extra-curricular activities, and act as an ambassador for UK Higher Education by promoting the value of studying at a UK HEI
  • be willing to establish an engagement with the UK as a scholar, through personal and academic fulfilment
  •  Represent the high standards of the GREAT brand by becoming an advocate for scholarships
  •  be willing to attend a networking event of all UK-based GREAT scholars, to discuss experiences and capture perceptions of studying in the UK

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Application Procedures

How-to-Apply: Applications for the British Council GREAT scholarship should be made via your applicant portal. You will only be able to apply for the GREAT Scholarship once you have received an offer for your programme from the University of Kent.

In order to be considered for this award, you will need to submit the following:

  • an essay of no more than 500 words about a topic you have studied previously and why you found it interesting. This topic should be related to or have inspired you to apply for your chosen degree programme.

This document should be uploaded in word or pdf format only, other formats will be rejected.

If you have applied for a programme with the Medway School of Pharmacy, please email [email protected].

Application Deadline:  April 30, 2022

Visit the Official Website for Further Details

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