
Association of Commonwealth Universities Medical Student Mobility Grants 2021


Association of Commonwealth Universities Medical Student Mobility Grants 2021: Are you a medical student seeking for a grant to enhance your research output? Then apply for the Association of Commonwealth Universities Medical Student Mobility Grants 2021. The grant aims at increasing student’s knowledge of global health and also provide funding for medical schools to deliver virtual mobility projects.

The grant will allow collaboration between students in medical schools at ACU member universities in other countries which will involve online interaction and also allow the students to develop their intercultural skills and knowledge. The project must be delivered before the end of 2021.

Grant Sponsor(s): The Association of Commonwealth Universities

Grant to be taken in: Commonwealth member countries

Grant Slot: 2

Grant Worth: GBP 5,000

Country Eligibility: Commonwealth countries


See Also: Commonwealth Peace and Reconciliation Challenge Grants 2021

Association of Commonwealth Universities Medical Student Mobility Grants 2021 | ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA

As part of the application form for the Commonwealth Universities Medical Student Mobility Grants 2021, applicants must:

  • Give an overview of the project
  • Describe the project’s learning outcomes, which must include both developing students’ intercultural skills, as well as their knowledge of global health
  • Give details of the project leads at both institutions
  • State the number of students who will benefit at both institutions
  • Describe the platforms to be used and how the project will be made digitally accessible for students with limited access to data or Wi-Fi
  • Provide a time plan
  • List the costs for which funding is to be claimed: these can include materials, equipment, staff time, institutional data costs and data grants for student participants
  • List the outputs – at least one output must be shareable with other ACU members. Outputs could include videos, toolkits, student reports and articles, presentations, etc
  • Explain how the project will be evaluated and how success will be measured
  • Provide a letter or email of support from the Dean of the medical school or other appropriate senior university leader
  • Provide a letter or email of support from the project lead at the partner institution.

Refer to: United Nations Youth Solidarity Fund 2020 for Innovative Youth Projects [USD 25,000]

Application Procedures

How-to-Apply: Application for the Association of Commonwealth Universities Medical Student Mobility Grants 2021 are to be submitted by staff of medical schools. Students are not eligible to apply directly.

The staff of the medical school are to complete the online application form and submit same before the application deadline.

Application Deadline: 16:00 UTC on 22 January 2021

Visit the Official Website for more Details

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