
Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU) Early Career Researcher Training Grants 2021/22


Applications are open for the second round of the ACU Early Career Research Training Grants. The grants are delivered as part of one of the ACU Supporting Research Community’s aim to help the development of early career researchers across the Commonwealth.

The grant is available to fund staff at ACU member universities to organize and deliver training for their early career researchers, including doctoral candidates. The training will equip researchers with essential skills to enable them to succeed in their careers.

ACU Early Career Researcher Training Grants | DETAILS

The Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU) Early Career Research Grants will provide funding for up to 10 staff at ACU member universities to organize and perform training for researchers in their institutions who are at the early-stage of their career. The grant available is GBP 1,000.

See Also: Association of Commonwealth Universities Gender Grants 2021

Eligibility Criteria

To considered for the ACU Early Career Researcher Training Grants, applicants must meet the underlisted criteria:

  • Research office staff at ACU member universities or any other staff member who leads on providing training for early career researchers.
  • Doctoral candidates from ACU member universities are eligible.

Application Procedures

How-to-Apply: Interested applicants are to apply online. If you don’t have a MyACU account, you are to register for the account and then follow the instructions in the registration email to set up an account. Applicants will then be able to log in to the system to access the application form.

Application requirements:

As part of the application form, applicant institutions must:

  • Describe the focus, goals and content of the training to be delivered. Training with practical aspects will be looked upon favourably.
  • State the target audience and the number of people who will benefit, including whether any training will be accessible to other ACU members
  • Give detailed information about the trainer
  • Describe the training format and platforms you intend to use – if the training is planned to be delivered in-person, applicants must also provide plans for a virtual alternative.
  • Provide a detailed time plan, including preparation time and how much time is to be dedicated to each activity. The training must take place within the period of February to July 2022. Timelines that include gaps between sessions for participants to reflect, practice and come back to feedback will be looked upon favourably.
  • State the planned outcomes, showing the connection between objectives and outcomes while ensuring outcomes are measurable.
  • List the outputs – one output must be shareable with other ACU members
  • Explain how the training will be evaluated and how success will be measured
  • List the costs for which funding is to be claimed, these can include materials, trainer fees, staff time and data costs.
  • Provide a letter of support from the institution’s Executive Head or another appropriate senior university leader that demonstrates buy-in from your university and how your university will support the training.

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Application Deadline: 8th November 2021

Visit the Official Website for Further Details

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